流星铁路由器 - Router.go回调可能吗?

时间:2014-08-14 06:59:19

标签: meteor iron-router


      //When the user clicks on the link to get to the #contact anchor...
      //The code below does not work.
          scrollTop: $('#contact').offset().top
      }, 1200);


          scrollTop: $('#contact').offset().top
      }, 1200);





这是我最新的Meteor 1.0+以及类似/#contact

Router.route('/', {
  name: 'index'

Router.onAfterAction(function() {
    var self = this;
    // always start by resetting scroll to top of the page
    // if there is a hash in the URL, handle it
    if (this.params.hash) {
        // now this is important : Deps.afterFlush ensures that iron-router rendering
        // process has finished inserting the current route template into DOM so we
        // can manipulate it via jQuery, if you skip this part the HTML element you
        // want to scroll to might not yet be present in the DOM (this is probably
        // why your code fails in the first place)
        Tracker.afterFlush(function() {

            if (typeof $("#" + self.params.hash).offset() != "undefined"){
                var scrollTop = $("#" + self.params.hash).offset().top;

                    scrollTop: scrollTop



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答案 0 :(得分:4)



Router.onAfterAction(function() {
  // always start by resetting scroll to top of the page
  var hash=this.params.hash;
  // if there is a hash in the URL, handle it
  if (hash) {
    // now this is important : Tracker.afterFlush ensures that iron-router
    // rendering process has finished inserting the current route template
    // into DOM so we can manipulate it via jQuery, if you skip this part
    // the HTML element you want to scroll to might not yet be present in
    // the DOM (this is probably why your code fails in the first place)
    Tracker.afterFlush(function() {
      var element=$("#"+hash);
      var scrollTop = element.offset().top;
        scrollTop: scrollTop