
时间:2014-08-13 23:47:43

标签: excel vba excel-vba vbscript split



单元格中的值已经居中。此外,某些单元格具有多个值,这些值使用( ALT + ENTER )堆叠在一起。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

下面介绍如何将列中的所有数字组合到VBA Excel中的单个单元格中,这就是我假设您正在使用的编码语言。

我使用了两个程序: 1)columnCombine() Sub 2)自定义Split()功能由Microsoft的Wade Tai提供



columnCombine() Sub:

Sub columnCombine()
    'variables needed:
    Dim col As Integer
    Dim startRow As Integer
    Dim endRow As Integer
    Dim firstCell As Range
    Dim lastCell As Range
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim s As Variant
    Dim destinationCell As Range
    Dim strg As Variant
    Dim strgTemp() As String

    'enter first and last cells of column of interest in the "A1/A2/A3..." format below:'
    Set firstCell = Range("A1") 'this can be what you want
    Set lastCell = Range("A3")  'this can be what you want

    'enter destination cell in same format as above
    Set destinationCell = Range("B1") 'this can be what you want

    'get column of interest
    col = firstCell.Column

    'get start row and end row
    startRow = firstCell.Row
    endRow = lastCell.Row

    'set temp string
    strg = ""

    For i = startRow To endRow
        strgTemp = Split(Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, col).Value)
        For Each s In strgTemp
            If strg = "" Then
                strg = s
                strg = strg & vbNewLine & s
            End If
        Next s
        Erase strgTemp
    Next i
    'add column to string
    destinationCell.Value = strg

End Sub


Public Function Split(ByVal InputText As String, _
         Optional ByVal Delimiter As String) As Variant

' This function splits the sentence in InputText into
' words and returns a string array of the words. Each
' element of the array contains one word.

    ' This constant contains punctuation and characters
    ' that should be filtered from the input string.
    Const CHARS = "!?,;:""'()[]{}"
    Dim strReplacedText As String
    Dim intIndex As Integer

    ' Replace tab characters with space characters.
    strReplacedText = Trim(Replace(InputText, _
         vbTab, " "))

    ' Filter all specified characters from the string.
    For intIndex = 1 To Len(CHARS)
        strReplacedText = Trim(Replace(strReplacedText, _
            Mid(CHARS, intIndex, 1), " "))
    Next intIndex

    ' Loop until all consecutive space characters are
    ' replaced by a single space character.
    Do While InStr(strReplacedText, "  ")
        strReplacedText = Replace(strReplacedText, _
            "  ", " ")

    ' Split the sentence into an array of words and return
    ' the array. If a delimiter is specified, use it.
    'MsgBox "String:" & strReplacedText
    If Len(Delimiter) = 0 Then
        Split = VBA.Split(strReplacedText)
        Split = VBA.Split(strReplacedText, Delimiter)
    End If
End Function

<强> *更新:


如果您想更改迭代列的顺序,例如您想要从A4迭代到A1而不是A1到A4,只需将For i = startRow To endRow更改为For i = endRow To startRow即可。 请注意,这不会更改单个单元格内的数据组织顺序,只会更改整列。换句话说,{["hello","Hello"],["One"],["Two", "Three"]}将成为{["Two","Three"],["One"],["hello","Hello"]}

要更改单元格中的顺序,您需要更改For Each中的columnCombine()语句或 手动更改strg的顺序。两者都不难做到。



Dim strg2 As Variant 
strg2 = ""


For i = startRow To endRow
    strgTemp = Split(Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, col).Value)
    For Each s In strgTemp
        If strg = "" Then
            strg = s
            strg = strg & vbNewLine & s
        End If
    Next s
    Erase strgTemp
Next i
'add column to string
destinationCell.Value = strg


For i = endRow To startRow
    strgTemp = Split(Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, col).Value)
    For Each s In strgTemp
        If strg = "" Then
            strg = s
            strg = s & vbNewLine & strg
        End If
    Next s
    If strg2 = "" Then
        strg2 = strg
        strg2 = strg2 & vbNewLine & strg
    End If
    strg = ""
    Erase strgTemp
Next i
'add column to string
destinationCell.Value = strg2

请记住,此更改特定于向后迭代项目并向后重新排序。 columnCombine()子将取决于您希望如何呈现数据

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