VBA Excel:指定了输入框日期,但正在生成所有日期的数据

时间:2014-08-13 19:34:53

标签: excel vba date excel-vba inputbox

我有一个button_click宏,用于运行一组冗长的VBA代码,根据输入框中输入的日期创建和/或更新每日报告,每月报告单只包含每日总计,并且无与伦比包含原始数据的两个工作表之间不匹配的UID的报告表。对于大多数日期,这应该是正常的。但是,当日期" 7/11 / 2014"以数字格式输入,它将所有日期从2014年7月11日拉到两个工作表中的可用日期结束。但是,如果我输入日期为" 2014年7月11日"脚本按原样运行。



谢谢, TSC

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    ' if the requested date exists in wksKEY column A, then proceed.
If dtExists(sKeyDate, wksKEY, "A:A") Then
        ' nFDtRow = the first row in wksKEY with the requested date, which is stored in
        ' wksGDR A5 using Keystone_Data date format of YYYYMMDD
    nFDtRow = MatchUID(wksGDR, wksKEY, "A5", "A1:A" & lKeyLastRow)
        ' nLDtRow = last row in wksKEY with specified date; stored in wksGDR A6 as YYYYMMDD
    nLDtRow = MatchUID(wksGDR, wksKEY, "A6", "A1:A" & lKeyLastRow) - 1
        ' if the last date row is less than the first date row, then...
    If nLDtRow < nFDtRow Then
            ' wksGDR A6 = the date in A5 + 2 (i.e. if 20140102 is the date selected and 20140103
            ' is not in wksKEY, then wksGDR A6 = 20140104)
        wksGDR.Range("A6").Value = wksGDR.Range("A5").Value + 2
            ' if there is not a match in wksKEY for the value in wksGDR A6, IsError will equal True.
            ' if there is not an error, hence the match search = True, then ...
        If Not MatchUID(wksGDR, wksKEY, "A6", "A1:A" & lKeyLastRow) = 0 Then
                ' nLDtRow = the first row with the value in wksGDR A6 - 1 to equal the last row with the
                ' desired date
            nLDtRow = MatchUID(wksGDR, wksKEY, "A6", "A1:A" & lKeyLastRow) - 1
                ' Otherwise, if there is an error, nLDtRow equals the last row in wksKEY
            nLDtRow = lKeyLastRow
        End If
    End If
        ' nCtDtRow = the total count of matching date rows in wksKEY
    nCtDtRow = (nLDtRow - nFDtRow) + 1
        ' review each row with i doing the count and j representing the actual row number
    For i = 1 To nCtDtRow
            ' lDRNewRow = the row number where a new row can be added
        lDRNewRow = lDRRowEnd + i
            ' j = the first date row # + i (counting from 1 to the total #) - 1 to get the proper
            ' row #
        j = nFDtRow + (i - 1)
            ' If current UID does not already exist in a Daily_Report or the Unmatched_Report, then...
        If StopDupeUIDs(wksKEY, "AM" & j, lKeyLastRow) = True Then
                ' Verify that there is no match between the current UID and one already in wksDR
            If MatchUID(wksKEY, wksDR, "AM" & j, "P3:P" & lDRRowEnd) = "0" Then
                    ' enter wksKEY UID into wksDR column P
                wksDR.Range("P" & lDRNewRow).Value = wksKEY.Range("AM" & j)
            End If
                ' Otherwise, if the requested UID already exists in another sheet, update column R and color it bright green
            If UpdateUID(wksKEY, "AM" & j, lKeyLastRow) <> "" Then
                wksGDR.Range("A7").Value = UpdateUID(wksKEY, "AM" & j, lKeyLastRow)
                sTempWS = Left(wksGDR.Range("A7").Value, InStr(1, wksGDR.Range("A7"), Chr(124), vbTextCompare) - 1)
                lTempCell = Right(wksGDR.Range("A7").Value, Len(wksGDR.Range("A7")) - InStr(1, wksGDR.Range("A7"), Chr(124), vbTextCompare))
                Worksheets(sTempWS).Range("R" & lTempCell).Value = j
                Worksheets(sTempWS).Range("R" & lTempCell).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
                Call ckQty(Worksheets(sTempWS), lTempCell, lTempCell)
            End If
                wksGDR.Range("A7").Value = ""
        End If
    Next i
    ' otherwise, if the requested date does not exist in wksKEY column A, exit this subroutine.
    Exit Sub
End If

为了纠正这个问题,希望能让它变得更加通用,我删除了“如果nLDtRow&lt; nfDtRow然后......&#39;声明并替换为

     ' wksGDR A6 = the number of times sKeyDate exists within wksKEY column A
    wksGDR.Range("A6").Value = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(wksKEY.Range("A1:A" & lKeyLastRow), sKeyDate)
        ' wksGDR A7 = nFDtRow + wksGDR A6
    wksGDR.Range("A7").Value = nFDtRow + wksGDR.Range("A6").Value
       ' nLDtRow = wksGDR A7
    nLDtRow = wksGDR.Range("A7").Value

我还将nCtDtRow更新为nCtDtRow = wksGDR.Range("A6").Value,而不是尝试重新计算它。
