我需要跨多个列格式化大量数据。 我有2列的数据需要格式化为一组2列,除了需要在数据左侧的单元格中的标题。
header1 header2 data1 data2
colA = 5
colB = 3
colC = 2
rowA = 3
rowB = 3
cellA = "C1"
lastA = Cells(Rows.Count, colB).End(xlUp).Row
For x = rowA To lastA
Data = Cells(x, colA)
Cells(rowB, colB) = Data
rowB = rowB + 1
Next x
Do Until colC = 0
Cells(1, colB).Select
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Cells(3, colC)
colC = colB - 1
答案 0 :(得分:0)
将源数据读入数组。 设置一个由每个结果行的数据组成的类 遍历源数组,一次两列,构造每一行。 将RowData存储到集合中。 完成后,将集合转移到“结果”数组中。 将结果数组写入Range(我选择在不同的工作表上执行此操作)。根据需要编辑源和目标范围。
首先插入一个类模块;将其重命名为 RowData ,然后粘贴以下代码:
Option Explicit
Private pHeaderOdd As String
Private pHeaderEven As String
Private pDataOdd As String
Private pDataEven As String
Public Property Get HeaderOdd() As String
HeaderOdd = pHeaderOdd
End Property
Public Property Let HeaderOdd(Value As String)
pHeaderOdd = Value
End Property
Public Property Get HeaderEven() As String
HeaderEven = pHeaderEven
End Property
Public Property Let HeaderEven(Value As String)
pHeaderEven = Value
End Property
Public Property Get DataOdd() As String
DataOdd = pDataOdd
End Property
Public Property Let DataOdd(Value As String)
pDataOdd = Value
End Property
Public Property Get DataEven() As String
DataEven = pDataEven
End Property
Public Property Let DataEven(Value As String)
pDataEven = Value
End Property
Sub ReFormat()
Dim V As Variant, vRes() As Variant
Dim cRD As RowData
Dim colRD As Collection
Dim I As Long, J As Long
'Get entire source data into array
'May need a different selection method
' depending on your "real" data arrangement
V = Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("a1").CurrentRegion
'initialize collection
Set colRD = New Collection
'get data in pairs and add to collection
For I = 1 To UBound(V, 2) Step 2 'columns
For J = 2 To UBound(V, 1) 'rows
Set cRD = New RowData
cRD.HeaderOdd = V(1, I)
cRD.HeaderEven = V(1, I + 1)
cRD.DataOdd = V(J, I)
cRD.DataEven = V(J, I + 1)
colRD.Add cRD
Next J
Next I
'Put collection into "results" array for writing to the results range
ReDim vRes(1 To colRD.Count, 1 To 4)
For I = 1 To colRD.Count
vRes(I, 1) = colRD(I).HeaderOdd
vRes(I, 2) = colRD(I).HeaderEven
vRes(I, 3) = colRD(I).DataOdd
vRes(I, 4) = colRD(I).DataEven
Next I
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(vRes, 1), UBound(vRes, 2)) = vRes
End Sub