org.spockframework的版本:spock-core:0.7-groovy-2.0这是grails附带的spock 2.4.3
|Running 2 unit tests...
|Running 2 unit tests... 1 of 2 Failure:
| state constraints check(com.company.srm.state.StateSpec)
| java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Class cannot be cast to
com.company.srm.state.State at com.company.srm.state.StateSpec.state
constraints check(StateSpec.groovy:66)
|Running 2 unit tests... 2 of 2 Failure:
| state name unique constraints check(com.company.srm.state.StateSpec)
| java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Class cannot be cast to
com.company.srm.state.State at com.company.srm.state.StateSpec.state
name unique constraints check(StateSpec.groovy:86)
|Running 2 unit tests... 3 of 3 Failure:
| state abbreviation unique constraints check(com.company.srm.state.StateSpec)
| java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Class cannot be cast to
com.company.srm.state.State at com.company.srm.state.StateSpec.state
abbreviation unique constraints check(StateSpec.groovy:105)
|Completed 3 unit tests, 3 failed in 0m 6s
package com.company.srm.state
import static org.junit.Assert.*
import grails.test.mixin.*
import grails.test.mixin.support.*
import org.junit.*
import spock.lang.Specification
class StateSpec extends Specification {
def 'state constraints check'() {
when: "Validate uninitialized domain object"
boolean lResults = domain.validate()
then: "There should be validation issues"
domain.errors.getErrorCount() == 2
domain.errors.getFieldError( 'name' )
domain.errors.getFieldError( 'abbreviation' )
when: "Populate attributes as required"
domain.name = "Barvaria"
domain.abbreviation = "BV"
then: "Domain now passes validation"
package com.company.srm.state
import com.company.srm.SrmBaseDomain;
class State extends SrmBaseDomain {
String name
String abbreviation
CountryType country = CountryType.USA
static mapping = {
version false
id generator: 'sequence', params: [sequence: 'state_seq']
abbreviation column: 'state_code'
static constraints = {
name( blank: false, unique: true )
abbreviation( blank: false, unique: true, minSize: 2, maxSize: 4 )
String toString() {
return "${name} (${abbreviation})"
enum CountryType {
package com.company.srm
import org.hibernate.Hibernate
// This is the base class for all SRM (not ODS) domain classes. It simply
// included the necessary audit columns and the logic to update them.
abstract class SrmBaseDomain implements Serializable {
def sessionFactory
def grailsApplication
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
String createdBy
String updatedBy
static constraints = {
dateCreated(nullable: true)
lastUpdated(nullable: true)
createdBy(nullable: true)
updatedBy(nullable: true)
def beforeInsert = {
createdBy = getUser()
updatedBy = createdBy
def beforeUpdate = {
updatedBy = getUser()
def getUser() {
def username
boolean hasPrincipal = !(grailsApplication.mainContext.springSecurityService.principal instanceof String)
if( hasPrincipal ) {
username = grailsApplication.mainContext.springSecurityService.principal?.username
else {
username = username ?: com.company.acm.RequestUser.get('userName')
return username ?: 'srm.batchuser'