在Excel VBA中动态调整组合框的宽度

时间:2014-08-11 19:18:00

标签: excel-vba combobox width vba excel

我正在努力设置一个组合框(在Excel VBA中),其宽度会根据其包含的最长字符串的长度自动调整。

我尝试创建一个下拉列表(使用名为" WorksheetSelectionForm&#34的表单中的组合框),一旦打开特定工作簿,就会出现在屏幕上并允许用户选择他们希望打开哪个工作簿的工作表。


  • "损益账户" (23个字符)
  • "资产负债表" (13个字符)
  • "现金流量报告" (15个字符)

可以在工作簿中添加更多工作表,因此会在下拉列表中添加更多项目,因此我不想简单地将组合框的宽度修复为23点(什么是&的长度) #39; s当前是下拉列表中最长的字符串。)


Dim iWidth As Double 
ComboBox1.AutoSize = True 
iWidth = 0 

For i = 0 To ComboBox1.ListCount - 1 
    ComboBox1.ListIndex = i 
    If iWidth < ComboBox1.Width Then 
        iWidth = ComboBox1.Width 
    End If 

ComboBox1.Width =  iWidth 
ComboBOx1.AutoSize = False 
ComboBox1.ListCount = 0 

这个解决方案的问题在于,if-then语句中的代码ComboBox1.Width实际上似乎没有计算出目前在for中关注的组合框项目的长度-next loop。


Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Dim Sheet As Worksheet, CmBox As MSForms.ComboBox, LWidth As Double, i As Integer
Set CmBox = WorksheetSelectionForm.ComboBox_Worksheets
LWidth = 0

'Populate the drop-down list with the names of the worksheets
For Each Sheet In Worksheets
    CmBox.AddItem Sheet.Name
Next Sheet

'Find out the length of the longest string in the combobox
For i = 0 To CmBox.ListCount - 1
    CmBox.ListIndex = i
    If Len(CmBox.Value) > LWidth Then
        LWidth = Len(CmBox.Value)
    End If
Next i

'Set the combobox's width to the length of the longest string in the combobox
CmBox.ListWidth = LWidth

'Show the form on screen

End Sub



Private Sub ComboBox_Worksheets_Change()

'Activate the worksheet whose name has been selected in the combobox

'Close the form
Unload WorksheetSelectionForm

End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这不是太难。它需要API调用。我已经完成了,但没有我的确切代码,但这可能会这样做。 vb macro string width in pixel


  • GetCharABCWidths(对于真实字体)
  • GetChartABCWidthsFloat
  • GetCharWidth(可能是最有用的)
  • GetCharWidth32(可能更有用)
  • GetCharWidthFloat

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Dim Sheet As Worksheet, CmBox As MSForms.ComboBox, LWidth As Double, i As Integer
dim Wb as workbook
load WorksheetSelectionForm
with WorksheetSelectionForm
    Set CmBox = .ComboBox_Worksheets
    'LWidth = 0

    'Populate the drop-down list with the names of the worksheets
    with cmBox
        for each Wb in workbooks
            For Each Sheet In WB.Worksheets 'i wasn't sure your way works for filling the list, did you verify it ?, so i do it my way
                h = Sheet.Name
                .AddItem h
                if len(h)>Lwidth then LWidth = Len(h) 'no need to loop again when list is full
            Next Sheet
        next Wb
    end with

    'Find out the length of the longest string in the combobox
    'For i = 0 To CmBox.ListCount - 1
    '    tmp_Length = len(CmBox.List(i))    'this is an other way of doing it, without changing the cmBox value (could trigger events)
    '    If tmp_Length > LWidth Then
    '        LWidth = tmp_Length
    '    End If
    'Next i

    'Set the combobox's List's width to the length of the longest string in the combobox
    CmBox.ListWidth = LWidth*8 'according to the list's Text Font size , you will need to adjust the *8

    'Show the form on screen
end with

End Sub