
时间:2014-08-09 07:05:31

标签: html css iframe

我正在尝试解决一个CSS问题,那里有"我"放置悬停效果的图标图像。当鼠标移过它时,应显示工具提示。但问题是工具提示出现但它固定在一个地方有很多" i"由于工具提示显示在一个地方,我们将鼠标悬停在每个图标上,悬停在一些" i"由于工具提示不可见,因此图像无用。这些"我"图像被放置在iframe中,还有许多" i"图标,所以滚动条出现,所以我们到达工具提示的iframe的底部不可用。有什么建议和帮助吗?只有纯CSS没有JS,jquery ......我的老板说。

" i"图片代码:

    <div class="sa_statusIn"> Reward Earned
    <span id="sa_status8">
    <img class="sa_status_tooltip" src="i_image_link.png" alt="help" value="help"   width="15" height="15" border="0"><br><a href="v2-importer-facebook-ts.php?tab_provider=3"> Claim Reward </a> <span id="sa_tooltiptxt">Congrats! Another Company system is up &amp; running and we have you to thank. Continue to earn rewards by sharing Company with more of your friends.</span></span>
    <a href="#.php?tab_provider=3"> Claim Reward </a> <span id="sa_tooltiptxt">Congrats! Another Company system is up &amp; running and we have you to thank. Continue to earn rewards by sharing Company with more of your friends.</span></span>


.sa_statusIn {
float: left;
width: 29%;
padding: 16px 0 0 24px;
color: #C25A59;

img.sa_status_tooltip {
width: 19px;
height: 18px;
position: relative;
top: 4px;
left: 5;

img.sa_status_tooltip {
width: 19px;
height: 18px;
position: relative;
top: 4px;
left: 5;

#sa_tooltiptxt {
display: none;
background: ffffcc;
margin-left: 145px;
margin-top: 0px;
padding: 3px 0px 9px 3px;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1000;
width: 115px;
height: 10px;


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