我终于可以将MacOSX上的32位测试程序与Sketchup slapi框架链接起来,但是SUEntitiesGetNumFaces总是会返回0个面,即使是来自Trimble样本的模型也可以使用Sketchup查看器打开...
该程序是slapi框架附带的测试程序...... 我没有日志,没有内存错误,没有库错误...只有零面... 我不知道我现在可以检查的女巫设置......
#include <slapi/slapi.h>
#include <slapi/geometry.h>
#include <slapi/initialize.h>
#include <slapi/unicodestring.h>
#include <slapi/model/model.h>
#include <slapi/model/entities.h>
#include <slapi/model/face.h>
#include <slapi/model/edge.h>
#include <slapi/model/vertex.h>
#include <vector>
static int _load (char * filename) {
char * sname = strrchr (filename, '/');
if (sname) sname++;
else sname = filename;
fprintf (stderr, "\n%s: loading\n", sname);
// Load the model from a file
SUModelRef model = SU_INVALID;
SUResult res = SUModelCreateFromFile(&model, filename);
// It's best to always check the return code from each SU function call.
// Only showing this check once to keep this example short.
if (res != SU_ERROR_NONE)
return 0;
// Get the entity container of the model.
SUEntitiesRef entities = SU_INVALID;
SUModelGetEntities(model, &entities);
// Get all the faces from the entities object
size_t faceCount = 0;
SUEntitiesGetNumFaces(entities, &faceCount);
size_t materialCount = 0;
SUModelGetNumMaterials (model, & materialCount);
fprintf (stderr, "- %s: the model has %ld faces, %ld materials\n",
sname, faceCount, materialCount);
if (faceCount > 0) {
std::vector<SUFaceRef> faces(faceCount);
SUEntitiesGetFaces(entities, faceCount, &faces[0], &faceCount);
// Get all the edges in this face
for (size_t i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
size_t edgeCount = 0;
SUFaceGetNumEdges(faces[i], &edgeCount);
if (edgeCount > 0) {
std::vector<SUEdgeRef> edges(edgeCount);
SUFaceGetEdges(faces[i], edgeCount, &edges[0], &edgeCount);
// Get the vertex positions for each edge
for (size_t j = 0; j < edgeCount; j++) {
SUVertexRef startVertex = SU_INVALID;
SUVertexRef endVertex = SU_INVALID;
SUEdgeGetStartVertex(edges[j], &startVertex);
SUEdgeGetEndVertex(edges[j], &endVertex);
SUPoint3D start;
SUPoint3D end;
SUVertexGetPosition(startVertex, &start);
SUVertexGetPosition(endVertex, &end);
// Now do something with the point data
// Get model name
SUStringRef name = SU_INVALID;
SUModelGetName(model, &name);
size_t name_length = 0;
SUStringGetUTF8Length(name, &name_length);
char* name_utf8 = new char[name_length + 1];
SUStringGetUTF8(name, name_length + 1, name_utf8, &name_length);
fprintf (stderr, "- %s: unloading...\n", sname);
// Now we have the name in a form we can use
delete []name_utf8;
// Must release the model or there will be memory leaks
return 1;
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
// Always initialize the API before using it
size_t major, minor;
SUGetAPIVersion (& major, & minor);
char * ptr = strrchr (argv[0], '/');
if (! ptr) ptr = argv[0];
else ptr++;
fprintf (stderr, "%s - slapi %ld.%ld\n", ptr, major, minor);
// Load the model from a file
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
_load (argv[i]);
// Always terminate the API when done using it
return 0;