
时间:2014-08-08 18:54:25

标签: batch-file taskkill


@echo off

SET /P ANSWER=Testup.exe will be killed on every station. Version files on PL6 line   will be overwritten. Do you want to continue (Y/N)? 
echo You chose: %ANSWER% 
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={y} (goto :yes) 
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={yes} (goto :yes)
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={Y} (goto :yes)
goto :no  

taskkill.exe /S a-2514w43q /U xy /P xy /IM Testup.exe

taskkill.exe /S a-2514w43r /U xy /P xy /IM Testup.exe

taskkill.exe /S a-2514w43t /U xy /P xy /IM Testup.exe

taskkill.exe /S a-2514w435 /U xy /P xy /IM Testup.exe

taskkill.exe /S a-2514w433 /U xy /P xy /IM Testup.exe

taskkill.exe /S a-2514w43u /U xy /P xy /IM Testup.exe

taskkill.exe /S a-2514w437 /U xy /P xy /IM Testup.exe

taskkill.exe /S a-2514w43f /U xy /P xy /IM Testup.exe

timeout 10 /nobreak

xcopy /v /y /h "D:\BMW\Pokus\PL6\WS1\Ver*" "\\a-2514w43q\TestUp\testup PL7\Data\File\"

xcopy /v /y /h "D:\BMW\Pokus\PL6\WS2\Ver*" "\\a-2514w43r\TestUp\testup PL7\Data\File\"

xcopy /v /y /h "D:\BMW\Pokus\PL6\WS4_dial\Ver*" "\\a-2514w43t\TestUp\testup PL7\Data\File\"

xcopy /v /y /h "D:\BMW\Pokus\PL6\AC1\Ver*" "\\a-2514w435\Testup PL7\Data\File\"

xcopy /v /y /h "D:\BMW\Pokus\PL6\PiM\Ver*" "\\a-2514w433\TestUp\testup PL7\Data\File\"

xcopy /v /y /h "D:\BMW\Pokus\PL6\WS6_fukanie\Ver*" "\\a-2514w43u\TestUp\testup PL7\Data\File\"

xcopy /v /y /h "D:\BMW\Pokus\PL6\AC2\Ver*" "\\a-2514w437\TestUp\testup PL7\Data\File\"

xcopy /v /y /h "D:\BMW\Pokus\PL6\CC\Ver*" "\\a-2514w43f\TestUp\testup PL7\Data\File\"

echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo I                     Files were OVERWRITTEN                                I
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


echo You pressed no!

exit /b 1


sschtasks / create / S a-2514w45s / U xxx / P xxx / SC ONCE / ST 19:30:00 / TN Textup.exe / tr" C:\ Testup \ V36 \ data

\文件\ testup.exe"

schtasks / run / S xxx / U xxxx / P NAMpr2514 / TN Textup.exe

psexec -i -s -d -h \ a-2514w45s -u xxx -p xxx" C:\ Testup \ V36 \ data \ File \ testup.exe"


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