AWK - 计数和打印不同的图案

时间:2014-08-08 16:14:02

标签: design-patterns awk counting


M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10000:13082_1:N:0:1    gene_id_8535    100.00  254 0   0   1   254 302 49  3.2e-140    495.0   254
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10000:18672_1:N:0:1    gene_id_118536  100.00  193 0   0   1   193 54  246 1.6e-103    373.0   193
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10000:18672_2:N:0:1    gene_id_118536  98.83   257 3   0   1   257 427 171 3.4e-137    485.0   257
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10000:21866_2:N:0:1    gene_id_120720  100.00  195 0   0   1   195 448 254 4.9e-104    375.0   200
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10000:5922_1:N:0:1     gene_id_17051   100.00  149 0   0   1   149 1849    1701    3.4e-78 289.0   149
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10000:5922_2:N:0:1     gene_id_17051   100.00  123 0   0   1   123 1522    1644    1.3e-62 237.0   123
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10000:6256_1:N:0:1     gene_id_121202  98.73   157 2   0   1   157 179 23  1.9e-81 300.0   157
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10001:11433_1:N:0:1    gene_id_125209  99.07   108 1   0   1   108 118 11  1.8e-53 207.0   108
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10001:11433_2:N:0:1    gene_id_125209  99.15   118 1   0   4   121 1   118 2.9e-59 226.0   121
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10001:17591_1:N:0:1    gene_id_2387    100.00  152 0   0   1   152 1378    1529    2.2e-80 296.0   152
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10001:17591_2:N:0:1    gene_id_2387    100.00  152 0   0   1   152 1529    1378    2.2e-80 296.0   152
M01562:52:000000000-A9Y4G:1:1101:10001:17844_1:N:0:1    gene_id_9456    100.00  100 0   0   1   100 176 275 8.5e-50 194.0   100


gene_id_9456           2
gene_id_125209         5
gene_id_2387           2



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


awk '{cnt[$2]++} END{for (gene in cnt) print gene, cnt[gene]}' file


答案 1 :(得分:1)


#  countGenes.awk

    columns = 13
    geneColumn = 2

#  select only lines with the expected number of fields    
(NF == columns) {

    #  loop through the associative table of counts
    for (gene in geneCounts) {
        #  write count to file
        fileName = "count_" gene ".txt"
        printf "%s\t%d\n", gene, geneCounts[gene] >fileName

        #  for logging
        printf "%s\t%d\n", gene, geneCounts[gene]


awk -f countGenes.awk testDataGenes.txt