Python stemmer问题:错误的干

时间:2014-08-07 22:19:04

标签: python words porter-stemmer

你好我试图用python stemmer来阻止话语,我试过Porter和Lancaster,但是他们有同样的问题。他们无法阻止以#呃"结尾的相关词汇。或者" e"。


computer -->  comput

rotate   -->  rotat


line=re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9 ]',' ',line)
line=[x for x in line if x not in stops]
line=[ porter.stem(word, 0, len(word)-1) for word in line]
# or 'line=[ st.stem(word) for word in line]'
return line


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引用the page on WikipediaIn computational linguistics, a stem is the part of the word that never changes even when morphologically inflected, whilst a lemma is the base form of the word. For example, given the word "produced", its lemma (linguistics) is "produce", however the stem is "produc": this is because there are words such as production. 因此,您的代码可能会给您正确的结果。你似乎期望一个引理不是一个词干分子产生的引理(除非引理恰好与词干相等)