QDomNodeList使用崩溃。 Qt5.1.1版本

时间:2014-08-07 20:05:59

标签: c++ qt qt4 qt5

我正在为以下代码崩溃。我正在使用VS2012 +,包括Qt库/路径。我在这里缺少什么?

QFile file(SomeFile); QDomDocument document; QDomElement root;
QString errmsg; int errorline; int errorColNo;        
    QMessageBox::information(this,"Error", "Failed to load "+errmsg+"\nError Line: "+errorline+" , Error Column: "+errorColNo);
    return -1;
root = document.firstChildElement();
    //The below line causes crash. Basically when the scope ends, the destructor is getting called, and it gives an invalid heap pointer crash.
    QDomNodeList mylist= root.elementsByTagName("A");   
    // ... Some Code.


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