
时间:2014-08-07 15:34:42

标签: scala types typeclass shapeless


trait Base[T] { def f(t: T): List[T] }
implicit object StringBase extends Base[String] {
  override def f(t: String) = t.toList.map(c => String.valueOf(c))
implicit object IntBase extends Base[Int] {
  override def f(t: Int) = List(t,t,t)


def consume[T : Base](xs: Seq[T]) =
  xs.map(x => implicitly[Base[T]].f(x).mkString("-"))



consume(Seq(1,"asd", 3)) // => Seq("1-1-1", "a-s-d", "3-3-3")

我确信我可以用无形的方式实现它。 HList,但核心Scala呢?无论如何,把shapeless标签放在一个有功能倾向的家伙的帮助下。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

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Two key parts:

  1. import shapeless._ import ops.hlist.Mapper import ops.hlist.ToList trait Base[T] { def f(t: T): List[T] } implicit object StringBase extends Base[String] { override def f(t: String) = t.toList.map(c => String.valueOf(c)) } implicit object IntBase extends Base[Int] { override def f(t: Int) = List(t,t,t) } object base extends Poly1 { implicit def forBase[A : Base] = at[A](x => implicitly[Base[A]].f(x)) } def consume[T <: HList, Inter <: HList](xs: T) (implicit mapBase: Mapper.Aux[base.type, T, Inter], interToList: ToList[Inter, List[Any]]): Seq[String] = { xs.map(base).toList.map(_.mkString("-")) } : This is a polymorphic function only defined on types with a object base extends Poly1 typeclass instance. It calls Base on its arg.
  2. The implicits and type params in Base.f :
    • consume is our input HList type. T is an intermediate type variable that is the output type of the result of mapping Inter over base.
    • T : This is evidence that if we map mapBase: Mapper.Aux[base.type, T, Inter] over base we get T. We need this to call Inter on the incoming hlist. By putting it in our implicits list, we just require that it exists when the function is called. Shapeless will generate this for us if it can. If it can't, it most likely means that you forgot to define a .map instance for a type in Base
    • T : This is evidence that you can convert the HList interToList: ToList[Inter, List[Any]] to a Inter. So List[List[Any]] must be the least-upperbound type of all the types in List[Any]. Once again, by putting it in the input implicits, we just require that shapeless can generate this for us. This is just boilerplate to prove to the compiler that we can call Inter and get a toList. I haven't found a way to avoid this and the List[List[Any]] variable in my experiences sadly.

Now thanks to all those implicits, we just call Inter to get an HList out with the appropriate xs.map(base) applied. Then we call Base.f to get a .toList. Then we map over those List[List[Any]]s and List[Any] with dashes as you wanted. And out comes our mkString!

Here is it working in the REPL:


答案 1 :(得分:0)


  trait Base[T] { def f(t: T): List[T] }
  implicit object StringBase extends Base[String] {
    override def f(t: String) = t.toList.map(c => String.valueOf(c))
  implicit object IntBase extends Base[Int] {
    override def f(t: Int) = List(t,t,t)

  case class Consumable[T](v: T, base: Base[T])

  implicit def toConsumable[T](v: T)(implicit base: Base[T], ev: ClassTag[T]) =
    Consumable(v, base)

  def consume(xs: Consumable[_]*) =
    xs.map(x => x.base.asInstanceOf[Base[Any]].f(x.v).mkString("-"))

  println(consume(1, 2, 3))
  println(consume("a", "b", "c"))
  println(consume(1, 2, "a", "b", "c"))