我按照有序且略显乏味tutorial for creating a new highlighting syntax definition的建议安装了AAAPackageDev
(Ubuntu 14.04)
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更新2015-05-10 :Sublime Text 3 build 3084引入了一种全新的sublime-syntax
格式,用于编写语法定义。它比Sublime继承自TextMate的旧系统要好得多。新系统应尽快登陆公众ST3测试版。由于ST3是recommended version of Sublime,我建议使用new system而不是下面描述的系统来编写任何新的荧光笔。
这是Sublime Text语法高亮显示的速成课程。
来查看Sublime Text附带的默认包。那些.tmLanguage文件都是plist格式,这是非常难以阅读和理解的。 PackageDev
的plist。不要用JSON写它。 JSON不支持原始字符串。所有正则表达式都必须进行双重转义。这绝对是一场噩梦。只需使用YAML。
)并选择PackageDev: New YAML Syntax Definition
来启动新的语法定义。当您准备好测试它时,打开命令面板并选择PackageDev: Convert (YAML, JSON, PList) to...
,PackageDev将确定您有一个YAML文件并想要转换为plist。转换将获取.YAML-tmLanguage文件并吐出Sublime理解的.tmLanguage文件。将该文件放在/ Packages / User目录中,Sublime将加载并应用它(您可能必须重新启动)。
您正在编写的语法定义不会直接为文本着色。它将范围名称应用于文本。然后,编写像Monokai和Solarized这样的主题的人会出现并创建将范围名称与颜色相关联的文件。您可以编写自己的范围名称,但应该坚持the official TextMate scope names。对于您匹配的代码,这些范围名称可能毫无意义。没关系。尽你所能。如果必须组成范围名称,请使用TextMate范围名称作为起点。例如,代替string.quoted.double.xxx
# [PackageDev] target_format: plist, ext: tmLanguage
name: Mattlang
scopeName: source.matt
fileTypes: [matt]
- include: '#pipe-string'
- include: '#complex-string'
# Rules defined in the repository can reference each other. You can include
# one rule inside another.
# This is a rule of the begin-end form. The rule matches a string bounded by
# pipes, such as |hello there|
# The optional 'name' field lets you apply a single scope to everything,
# including the begin-end pipes. All the scope names must end with .matt
name: everything.matt
# We have to escape the pipe character, because it's a special character in
# the Oniguruma regex syntax (and most other regex engines).
begin: \|
# 'beginCaptures' is required if you want the pipes to be colored differently
# In regex jargon, the begin pipe is 'captured'. Capture group 0 means the
# entire match, which in this case is just the pipe.
'0': {name: entire.begin.match.matt}
# The optional 'contentName' field lets you apply a scope to all the text
# between (but not including) the begin-end pipes.
contentName: stuff.between.the.pipes.matt
# These rules will only be applied to the text *BETWEEN* the pipes. Sublime
# will go through the rules from top to bottom and try to match the text, so
# higher rules have a higher "precedence" and will get matched first.
# Given the text |hello there|, Sublime will see an 'h' character and move
# through the rules from top to bottom trying to find a rule that starts
# with 'h'. The #hell rule will match the 'h' and the rest of the
# characters. The #hell scope name will be applied to the 'hell' text and
# Sublime will resume trying to find the next match at the 'o' character.
# The 'o' character WILL NOT match #hello. You can think of the matched text
# as being removed from the stream entirely. The point is: order matters.
- include: '#hell'
- include: '#hello'
- end: \|
'0': {name: entire.end.match.matt}
# This is the other form of rule you can define. It's extremely simple --
# just a scope name and a regex pattern to match. Note that these rules will
# only match text on the same line, unlike begin-end rules, which can cover
# multiple lines.
name: some.other.scope.matt
match: hell
name: some.scope.matt
match: hello
# This rule matches a string that starts with $!! and ends with !!$,
# e.g. !!$hello there!!$
# I've labeled the capture groups.
# |---0---|
# |--1-||3|
begin: (!(!))($)
# |2|
'0': {name: full.match.matt}
'1': {name: both.exclamation.marks.matt}
'2': {name: second.exclamation.mark.matt}
'3': {name: dollar.sign.matt}
# It's ok to leave out the 'patterns' field. Technically, all you really
# need is a 'begin' field and an 'end' field.
end: ((!)!)($)
'0': {name: everything.matt}
'1': {name: both.exclamation.marks.matt}
'2': {name: first.exclamation.mark.matt}
'3': {name: dollar.sign.matt}
答案 1 :(得分:6)
如果您安装PackageResourceViewer,则可以打开任何内置的压缩资源。 Do PackageResourceViewer:打开资源,然后选择您熟悉的语言。然后选择扩展名为.tmLanguage的文件。