如何在Django admin中包装文本(设置列宽)

时间:2014-08-07 12:15:56

标签: python django django-admin word-wrap

enter image description here我有一个模型项目

class Item(models.Model):
    id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=140, blank=True)
    description = models.TextField(blank=True)
    price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=12, decimal_places=2, blank=True, null=True)


class ItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
   list_display = ['item_view', 'description', 'item_price', 'seller_view', 'added_on']
   actions = ['add_to_staff_picks']
   search_fields = ('description', 'title')

   def item_view(self, obj):
       item = obj
       url = reverse('admin:%s_%s_change' % ('adminuser', 'item'), args=(item.id,))
       if item.is_active:
          return '<font color="green">%s</font>' % (base64.b64decode(item.title))
       return '<font color="red">%s</font>' % (base64.b64decode(item.title))
       item_view.allow_tags = True
       item_view.short_description = 'Title'


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


示例&#34; admin.py&#34;

from django.contrib import admin

from path.to.your.app.models import Item

class ItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    Your ``Item`` model admin.
    # List here all the fields that are to be displayed in the listing view.
    list_display = ('title', 'description',)

admin.site.register(Item, ItemAdmin)



from django.conf import settings

class ItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    # Some other code
    class Media:
        js = (


然后你的&#34; your_code.js&#34;看起来如下:

$(document).ready(function() {
   // Assuming that your element that would be wrapped comes as second td (column).
   // If not, adjst the nth-child(2). 
   $('#result_list tbody tr td:nth-child(2)').each(function(e) {
            slicePoint:       50,  // default is 100
            expandSpeed: 0,
            expandEffect: 'show',
            collapseSpeed: 0,
            collapseEffect: 'hide',
            expandPrefix:     ' ', // default is '... '
            expandText:       '[...]', // default is 'read more'
            userCollapseText: '[^]'  // default is 'read less'

答案 1 :(得分:2)

'<h3 class ="lblProductQuantity">' + 'Quantity:' + ' ' + '<span class=' + className + '>' + ajProductDataFromServer[i].quantity + '</span>' + '</h3>' 添加一项功能,然后在Model中调用该功能
