
时间:2014-08-07 11:43:02

标签: bash unix find



find / -name "report*" ________ error.txt

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


find / -name "report*" 2>error.txt


$ ls a1 a2
ls: cannot access a2: No such file or directory  <--- this is stderr
a1                                               <--- this is stdin
$ ls a1 a2 2>error.txt
$ cat error.txt 
ls: cannot access a2: No such file or directory  <--- just stderr was stored

正如BASH Shell: How To Redirect stderr To stdout ( redirect stderr to a File )所述,这些是处理程序:

Handle  Name    Description
0       stdin   Standard input   (stdin)
1       stdout  Standard output  (stdout)
2       stderr  Standard error   (stderr)

注意与&>error.txt的区别,重定向stdin和stderr(请参阅Redirect stderr and stdout in a bash scriptHow to redirect both stdout and stderr to a file):

$ ls a1 a2 &>error.txt
$ cat error.txt 
ls: cannot access a2: No such file or directory  <--- stdin and stderr
a1                                               <--- were stored