
时间:2014-08-06 15:43:31

标签: plot stata linear-regression confidence-interval


sysuse auto.dta, clear

centile weight, centile(10 50 90)

calcspl weight, nknots(3) knotsat(r(c_1) r(c_2) r(c_3))


mkspline weight 3 = weight, pctile


regress mpg weight weight_1 foreign price

gen yfit = _b[weight]*weight + _b[weight_1]*weight_1

sort weight

twoway line yfit weight


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


set more off
sysuse auto, clear
mkspline weight 3 = weight, pctile
reg price weight?

/* Manual  Way That Will Also Work With Non-Integer Splined Variable */
predict yhat
predict se, stdp
gen lb = yhat - 1.96*se
gen ub = yhat + 1.96*se

tw (line yhat weight, sort lpatter(dash)) (rarea lb ub weight, sort fcolor(none))

/* Margins Way for Integer Splined Variable */
margins, over(weight)

/* Compare the Two In A Graph */
marginsplot, recast(line) recastci(rarea) addplot(line yhat weight, sort lpatter(dash) || rarea lb ub weight, sort fcolor(none))

margins, over(weight)为您提供每个重量值的预测价格,marginsplot为您提供图表中95%CI的预测值。 recast使我的眼睛看起来更漂亮。


set more off
sysuse auto, clear
mkspline weight 3 = weight, pctile
gen constant = 1

reg price constant weight? i.foreign c.mpg, nocons

/* check one point using lincom */
list weight* if weight == 4840
lincom _b[weight1]*2640 + _b[weight2]*760 + _b[weight3]*1440

    replace constant = 0
    replace foreign = 0
    replace mpg = 0

    predict yhat
    predict se, stdp
    gen lb = yhat - invttail(`e(df_r)',0.025)*se
    gen ub = yhat + invttail(`e(df_r)',0.025)*se

    /* confirm that predict matches lincom's output for one point */
    list yhat lb ub if weight == 4840

    tw (line yhat weight, sort lpatter(dash)) (rarea lb ub weight, sort fcolor(none))
