您好我是批处理文件编码的新手。在过去的几个月里,我一直在教自己Excel VBA,StackOverflow对我来说是一个非常有用的网站。这是我想要实现的目标。
我的公司在IP视频监控服务器上工作很多。在我们处理服务器之前,我们喜欢为我们使用的各种程序拍摄日志和配置文件的快照,以防出现问题。我想把它归结为一个BAT文件,它位于技术人员的USB记忆棒上,带有一个自动运行文件,当USB插入机器时,该文件将执行BAT文件。该程序将发送到各种文件并将它们复制到文件路径:\ hostname \ date \ time \ originalfoldername \ thisfile.xml我一直在从各个站点提取代码,这里是我来的到目前为止,让我到文件路径:\ date \ time \ originalfoldername \ thisfile.xml
@echo off
rem COPYIT.BAT transfers all files in all subdirectories of
rem the source drive or directory (%1) to the destination rem drive or directory (%2)
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set ldt=%%j
set ldt=%ldt:~0,4%-%ldt:~4,2%-%ldt:~6,2%\%ldt:~8,2%%ldt:~10,2%
echo %ldt%
xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Milestone\XProtect Recording Server" "\"%ldt%"\XProtect Recording Server\" /s /e
xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Milestone\XProtect Management Server" "\"%ldt%"\XProtect Management Server\" /s /e
xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Milestone\XProtect Management Client" "\"%ldt%"\XProtect Management Client\" /s /e
xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Milestone\XProtect Event Server" "\"%ldt%"\XProtect Event Server\" /s /e
xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Milestone\XProtect Log Server" "\"%ldt%"\XProtect Log Server\" /s /e
xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Milestone\XProtect Data Collector Server" "\"%ldt%"\XProtect Data Collector Server\" /s /e
xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Milestone\XProtect Report Web Server" "\"%ldt%"\XProtect Report Web Server\" /s /e
xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Milestone\XProtect Service Channel Server" "\"%ldt%"\XProtect Service Channel Server\" /s /e
xcopy "C:\ProgramData\Milestone\XProtect Smart Client" "\"%ldt%"\XProtect Smart Client\" /s /e
if errorlevel 4 goto lowmemory
if errorlevel 2 goto abort
if errorlevel 0 goto exit
echo Insufficient memory to copy files or
echo invalid drive or command-line syntax.
goto exit
echo You pressed CTRL+C to end the copy operation.
goto exit
FOR /F "usebackq" %%i IN (`hostname`) DO SET MYVAR=%%i