
时间:2014-08-06 01:19:36

标签: svg svg-animate



<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="256" height="256" viewBox="0 0 256 256">

    <path d="M249.363 80.921l-6.402-15.451c-1.769-4.267-6.659-6.292-10.927-4.528l-9.032 3.7 c-8.043-12.801-18.893-23.646-31.692-31.689l3.744-9.032c1.768-4.266-0.258-9.162-4.528-10.926l-15.45-6.402 c-4.264-1.764-9.16 0.261-10.923 4.523l-3.744 9.032c-14.458-3.293-29.542-3.478-44.817 0l-3.74-9.028 c-1.768-4.267-6.659-6.292-10.926-4.528l-15.451 6.402c-4.267 1.768-6.296 6.656-4.528 10.926l3.744 9 C71.893 41 61 51.9 53 64.687l-9.032-3.744c-4.263-1.764-9.158 0.261-10.927 4.528l-6.398 15.5 c-1.768 4.3 0.3 9.2 4.5 10.926l9.028 3.74c-3.349 14.666-3.435 29.8 0 44.816l-9.028 3.7 c-4.271 1.768-6.296 6.664-4.528 10.926l6.398 15.451c1.772 4.3 6.7 6.3 10.9 4.524l9.032-3.741 c8.044 12.8 18.9 23.6 31.7 31.693l-3.74 9.032c-1.768 4.3 0.3 9.2 4.5 10.927l15.451 6.4 c4.267 1.8 9.158-0.257 10.926-4.528l3.74-9.028c14.613 3.3 29.7 3.4 44.8 0l3.739 9 c1.768 4.3 6.7 6.3 10.9 4.528l15.45-6.402c4.267-1.768 6.292-6.663 4.524-10.927l-3.744-9.032 c12.8-8.048 23.649-18.896 31.692-31.693l9.032 3.741c4.268 1.8 9.158-0.254 10.927-4.524l6.398-15.451 c1.768-4.262-0.257-9.162-4.524-10.922l-9.032-3.739c3.328-14.583 3.458-29.682 0-44.825l9.032-3.74 C249.103 90.1 251.1 85.2 249.4 80.921z M138 176.536c-32.278 0-58.537-26.259-58.537-58.536 c0-32.281 26.259-58.536 58.537-58.536c32.276 0 58.5 26.3 58.5 58.536C196.535 150.3 170.3 176.5 138 176.536z">
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            from="00 32 224"
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            begin="0s" dur="20s"/>


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)

假设cog有id biglittle,这里有一种方法可以使用css动画:

#big {
    transform-origin: 138px 118px;
    animation-duration: 30s;
    animation-name: rotateBig;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-timing-function: linear;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    animation-play-state: paused;
#little {
    transform-origin: 32px 224px;
    animation-duration: 20s;
    animation-name: rotateLittle;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-timing-function: linear;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    animation-play-state: paused;
#big:hover, #little:hover {
    animation-play-state: running;
@keyframes rotateBig {
    to {
        transform: rotate(360deg);
@keyframes rotateLittle {
    to {
        transform: rotate(-360deg);

live example。当悬停时,这会使每个齿轮单独动画。


#big {
    transform-origin: 138px 118px;
    animation-duration: 30s;
    animation-name: rotateBig;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-timing-function: linear;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite;
#little {
    transform-origin: 32px 224px;
    animation-duration: 20s;
    animation-name: rotateLittle;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-timing-function: linear;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite;        
svg > * { 
    animation-play-state: paused; 
svg:hover > * {
    animation-play-state: running;
@keyframes rotateBig {
    to {
        transform: rotate(360deg);
@keyframes rotateLittle {
    to {
        transform: rotate(-360deg);

live example。唯一的区别是选择器设置animation-play-state

您可能不得不求助于使用css供应商前缀来使其更兼容,但我已经以最干净的形式提供了它。小提琴至少可以在Opera 25,Chrome 38和Firefox Nightly 34中运行良好。


答案 1 :(得分:3)


  • id="gear1"添加到第一个<path...>
  • id="gear2"添加到第二个<path...>
  • 使用此<path...
  • 结束onmouseover=runGears(); onmouseout=stopGears(); >
  • <animate .....>
  • 中移除<path....>


var animateGears ; // event handler
var angle = 0; // rotation of angle

var gear1 = document.getElementById("gear1");
var gear2 = document.getElementById("gear2");

function runGears() {
animateGears = setInterval( function () {
        angle += 5;
        if (angle == 360 ) { angle = 0 } ; // 360 == 0 degrees

        gear1.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + angle + " 138 118)");
        gear2.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + angle + " 32 224)");
    }, 100);

function stopGears() {


更新可能为您工作的其他JS编码(不删除<animate....): -

var svgDoc =  document.getElementsByTagName('svg');

svgdoc[0].pauseAnimations(); // pause animation at load time

function runGears() {
 svgDoc[0].unpauseAnimations(); // resumes ALL animations
function stopGears() {
 svgDoc[0].pauseAnimations(); // pause ALL animations