
时间:2014-08-05 20:07:51

标签: python django excel django-templates


def descarga(request,id_factura):
    fact = Factura.objects.get(pk= id_factura)
    book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf8')
    sheet = book.add_sheet('report')
    sheet.col(0).width = int(13*380)
    sheet.col(1).width = int(13*380)
    sheet.col(2).width = int(13*380)
    sheet.col(3).width = int(13*380)
    sheet.col(4).width = int(13*380)
    sheet.col(5).width = int(13*380)
    sheet.col(6).width = int(13*380)
    sheet.col(7).width = int(13*380)

    alignment = xlwt.Alignment()

    alignment.horz = xlwt.Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
    alignment.vert = xlwt.Alignment.VERT_TOP

    style = xlwt.XFStyle() # Create Style
    style.alignment = alignment # Add Alignment to Style

    header_font = Font()

    # Header font preferences
    header_font.name = 'Times New Roman'
    header_font.height = 20 * 15
    header_font.bold = True

    # Header Cells style definition
    header_style = XFStyle()
    header_style.font = header_font 

    font_size_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: name Times New Roman, bold on, height 280; align: wrap on, horz center')

    body_font = Font()

    # Body font preferences
    body_font.name = 'Arial'
    body_font.italic = True

    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = 1
    borders.right = 1
    borders.top = 1
    borders.bottom = 1
    header_style.borders = borders

    # body cell name style definition
    body_style = XFStyle()
    body_style.font = body_font 

    # write the header
    header = ['Cliente', 'Fecha de Factura', 'Tipo de Factura', 'Numero de Factura',    'Descripcion', 'Subtotal', 'IVA', 'Precio']
    for hcol, hcol_data in enumerate(header): # [(0,'Header 1'), (1, 'Header 2'), (2,'Header 3'), (3,'Header 4')]
    sheet.write(0, hcol, hcol_data, font_size_style)

    data = {
        "Cliente": fact.nombre_cliente,
        "Fecha de Factura":fact.fecha_factura,
        "Tipo de Factura": fact.tipo_Factura,
        "Numero de Factura": fact.numero_De_Factura,
        "Descripcion": fact.descripcion,
        "Subtotal": fact.importe_sin_iva,
        "IVA": fact.iva,
        "Precio": fact.importe_Total,

    for column, key in enumerate(header, start=1):
        sheet.write(1, column, str(data[key]), body_style)

    response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/vnd.ms-excel')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=report.xls'
    return response 



有没有人知道如何做到这一点!? 也许是一个非常简单的答案,但我找不到办法。

原因:所有账单都是在表格中排序,当用户点击“查看”时,它会显示上面提到的页面以及该账单的所有信息。那么,如果在显示表格的模板中我没有所有账单的所有信息,即使我可以拥有所有信息,我怎么能选择多个IN THE TABLE并将它们全部输出到一个excel文件中,如何选择正确的数据将其发送到Excel文件?


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