
时间:2014-08-05 17:56:05

标签: php laravel-4 eloquent


Argument 1 passed to myapp\Repositories\Invite\EloquentInviteRepository::__construct() 
must be an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model, instance of 
Illuminate\Foundation\Application given, called in /var/www/laravel/bootstrap/compiled.php 
on line 4259 and defined

这是我的 EloquentInviteRepository.php 文件,显然第21行是错误的一行:

<?php namespace myapp\Repositories\Invite;

use myapp\Repositories\Crudable;
use Illuminate\Support\MessageBag;
use myapp\Repositories\Repository;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use myapp\Repositories\AbstractRepository;

class EloquentInviteRepository extends AbstractRepository implements Repository, Crudable, InviteRepository {

* @var Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
protected $model;

* Construct
* @param Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $user
public function __construct(Model $model)
 parent::__construct(new MessageBag);

 $this->model = $model;

* Find a valid invite by a code
* @param string $code
* @return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
public function getValidInviteByCode($code)
return $this->model->where('code', '=', $code)
                   ->where('claimed_at', '=', null)

* Create
* @param array $data
* @return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
 public function create(array $data)
   $data['code'] = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16));

   return $this->model->create($data);

* Update
* @param array $data
* @return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
public function update(array $data){}

* Delete
* @param int $id
* @return boolean
 public function delete($id){}


如果有人好奇的话;来自 Illuminate \ Database \ Eloquent \ Model.php __construct()界面:

 * Create a new Eloquent model instance.
 * @param  array  $attributes
 * @return void
public function __construct(array $attributes = array())



照亮\ Foundation \ Application.php

 * Create a new Illuminate application instance.
 * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
 * @return void
public function __construct(Request $request = null)
    $this->registerBaseBindings($request ?: $this->createNewRequest());






use myapp\Repositories\Invite\InviteRepository;

class InviteController extends BaseController {

   * InviteRepository
   * @var myapp\Repositories\Invite\InviteRepository
  protected $repository;

   * Create a new instance of the InviteController
   * @param myapp\Repositories\Invite\InviteRepository
  public function __construct(InviteRepository $repository)
    $this->repository = $repository;

   * Create a new invite
   * @return Response
  public function store()
    $invite = $this->repository->create(Input::all());



<?php namespace myapp\Repositories;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class RepositoryServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {

   * Register
  public function register()

   * Register the Invite Repository
   * @return void
  public function registerInviteRepository()
    $this->app->bind('myapp\Repositories\Invite\InviteRepository', function($app)
      return new EloquentInviteRepository( new Invite );


感谢帮助人员, 到目前为止,你一直是一个很好的资源!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$this->app->bind('myapp\Repositories\Invite\InviteRepository', function($app)
    return new EloquentInviteRepository( new Invite );

