我的脚本适用于当前的jquery 1.11.1,但不适用于1.7.1。为什么?

时间:2014-08-04 18:27:47

标签: javascript jquery legacy-code

    // selectbox
    $(function() {
    function selectbox(widgetSelector, optionsContainerSelector, optionsSelector, selectedOptionSelector, selectedOptionClassName, selectorClassName) {
        var target = widgetSelector;

        function initialize() {
            var widget = $(this);
            var selectboxNamespace = widget.data('selectbox-ns');
            var options = optionsContainerSelector; // The container which contains the options 
            var option = optionsSelector; // The options nested directly inside the options container
            var selected = selectedOptionSelector; // This is the selector you will style, no visible at all times portion of the selectbox
            var selectedOption = selectedOptionClassName; // This class is mechanical but be used to allow the user to visually track the item which is selected once the placeholder pops back into the selected region 
            var selector = selectorClassName; // Set the selector switch to a local var for reuse
            function closeAllOptions(event) { // For blurring and defocus of any intances of  the selectbox widget
                // This portion is for reseting the placeholder or selection text (depending if an items has indeed been selected yet)
                $(options).hide(); // Hide all intances of the options container
                $(target).children().children(selected).each(function(){ // Iterate through each one 
                    $(this).html( $(this).parent().parent().children(options).children('.'+selectedOption).html() )
                    // Set each instance of the selected class innerHTML to that of the selectedOption class if one has been selected 
            function closeOptions(event) {

                // When the an item is selected, we'll close all instances the options container
            function injectPlaceholder() {
                // We will use this again below (2) times
            injectPlaceholder(); // Ensure the initial content is where it should be on load
            function toggleOptions(event) {
                // this = .options
                if (widget.children(options).is(':visible')) { // If selectbox is opened
                    widget.children(options).hide(); // Hide the options based on where the function was envoked from
                    widget.children().children(selected).html(widget.children(options).children('.' + selectedOption).html())
                } else { // if selectbox is closed
                    $(options).hide() // Hide all options (all instances)
                    widget.children(options).show(); // Show this particular instance
                    injectPlaceholder(); // Another time where injectPlaceholder is envoked()
                event.stopPropagation(); // Stop the event from bubbling up the DOM further

            function selectOption(event) { // Selecting an option from the now visible options container
                // this = .option
                var reqOption = $(this).html(); // Store the option content that was selected
                var reqData = $(this).attr('data-value'); // Store the value held by the option selected
                widget.children(options).children(option).removeClass(selectedOption) // This class is mechanical but be used to allow the user to visually track the item which is selected once the placeholder pops back into the selected region 
                $(this).addClass(selectedOption); // for tracking purposes
                widget.children().children(selected).html(reqOption) // Insert the selected options data into the 'selected'/selection area
                widget.children().children(selected).attr('data-value', reqData) // Append a data-attribute matching the value of the option selected
                $('.test-box').append(selectboxNamespace + ' was selected and ' + 'reports its selected value: ' + reqData + ',' + ' because the user selected the option reading: ' + '"' + reqOption + '"<br />');
                event.stopPropagation(); // Stop the event from bubbling up the DOM
                 closeOptions(); // Close options after an item is selected and the rest is done...
            // Bind our event handlers
            $(this).on('click', option, selectOption) // If an option is clicked -> selectOption()
            $(this).on('click', toggleOptions) // If the options container is clicked -> toggleOption()
            $(this).on('click', selector, toggleOptions) // If the selector element is clicked -> toggleOptions()
            $('html').on('click', closeAllOptions) // If the  widget is blurred/defocused -> closeAllOptions

        $(target).each(initialize) // Apply this functionality to each instance of the select box
    window.selectbox = selectbox('.selectbox', '.options', '.option', '.selected', 'selected-option', '.selector');
    // API : widgetSelector, optionsContainerSelector, optionsSelector, selectedOptionSelector, selectedOptionClassName, selectorClassName ) The last param must be a class name (any classname)







加载JQuery 1.7时,当您尝试切换选择框而不实际选择项目时会出现错误,选择显示的innerHTML不会读取任何内容,而是根据需要将所需的占位符内容重新添加到选择显示中(逻辑在那里,工作无误,请自己测试一下)


感谢您的帮助, 尼古拉斯

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


这是相同的代码,对.selected类的目标方式进行了一些小改动(直接定位而不是使用.each($(this ...)我不知道为什么这个bug适用于1.11。 1但不是1.7.1,但现在它适用于两者!

line 25:  .html( $('.selected-option').html() )


line 25:        .html( $(this).children(selected).html() )