遇到MeteorRider / Phonegap / Cordova和Leaderboard示例问题

时间:2014-08-04 06:49:11

标签: cordova meteor

我正在使用Meteor和Cordova / Phonegap并且似乎遇到了一个问题(希望它很容易解决)。


Cordova 3.5.0-0.2.6 流星0.8.3 我安装了: cordova插件添加org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser 我还安装了meteor-oauth-demo(https://github.com/AdamBrodzinski/meteor-oauth-demo),因为我的应用程序需要它。



screenshot of iPhone emulator


screenshot of desktop browser

MeteorRider init是:

  document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
          // do whatever stuff on deviceready
          // ....

          // put all your phonegap specific initializer code here
          // ....

          // if testing phonegap api/plugin, you may want to disable MeteorRider
          //   in which case you can display your own HTML w/o Meteor
          // ....

          // ok - go ahead and initialize MeteorRider (go get some!)
          /*** for more control ***/
           var config = {
          meteorUrl: 'http://leaderboard.meteor.com/',
          currentPath: '',
          localStorage: true,
          // step 1) loading text
          doLoading: true,
          // step 2) AJAX request
          doRequest: true,
          // step 3) AJAX response (or cache) replacing DOM
          doReplace: true

      }, false);


Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local SimulatorBridge[53325] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder LSApplicationProxy: io.cordova.hellocordova
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local SimulatorBridge[53325] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Not creating progress for LSApplicationProxy: io.cordova.hellocordova since it is not a placeholder.
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local installd[53332] <Notice>: 0xb0115000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/Users/adamginsburg/Documents/Development/cordova-info-app/platforms/ios/build/emulator/HelloCordova.app" requested by SimulatorBridge
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local installd[53332] <Notice>: 0xb0115000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app io.cordova.hellocordova
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local installd[53332] <Notice>: 0xb0115000 install_application: Performing developer delta patch
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local installd[53332] <Notice>: 0xb0115000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Staging: 0.01s; Waiting: 0.00s; Installation: 0.01s; LS Sync: 0.00s; Overall: 0.02s
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local lsd[53341] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Updating identifier store
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local SpringBoard[60501] <Error>: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: still-camera is static and will never generate a notification
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local SpringBoard[60501] <Error>: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:835: stand-alone-contacts is static and will never generate a notification
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local backboardd[53326] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:io.cordova.hellocordova[0xe98]' exited abnormally with signal 9: Killed: 9
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local SpringBoard[60501] <Warning>: BKSWorkspace: Ignoring exit of io.cordova.hellocordova as it is pending activation, and will be relaunched.
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local SimulatorBridge[53325] <Warning>: Application launched after 0.00 seconds.
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local backboardd[53326] <Error>: HID: The 'Passive' connection 'HelloCordova' access to protected services is denied.
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local backboardd[53326] <Warning>: CoreAnimation: timed out fence b6a3
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local HelloCordova[61082] <Notice>: BUG in libdispatch: 13E28 - 866 - 0x2
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local HelloCordova[61082] <Notice>: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_VNODE] add: "Bad file descriptor" - 0x9
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local HelloCordova[61082] <Warning>: Multi-tasking -> Device: YES, App: YES
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local HelloCordova[61082] <Warning>: Unlimited access to network resources
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local HelloCordova[61082] <Warning>: 

Started backup to iCloud! Please be careful.
Your application might rejected by Apple if you store too much data.
For more information please read "iOS Data Storage Guidelines"
You could find it at the following address https://developer.apple.com/icloud/documentation/data-storage/ .
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local SpringBoard[60501] <Warning>: No transaction in -[SBWorkspace workspace:applicationActivated:]
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local HelloCordova[61082] <Warning>: Resetting plugins due to page load.
Aug  4 16:25:08 Adams-MacBook-Pro-2.local HelloCordova[61082] <Warning>: Finished load of: file:///Users/adamginsburg/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/7.1/Applications/C0C98109-404D-44B6-B34A-BBCEF78151F9/HelloCordova.app/www/index.html


顺便说一下,我用我自己的简单应用程序成功创建了hello world示例...但是,我在这个例子以及我自己的真实应用程序中摔倒了。我想如果我可以在这个基本的方法上解决这个问题,我希望能够将这个解决方案应用到我更复杂的应用程序中。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

自发布此问题以来,Meteor-Cordova / Phone差距整合取得了重大进展。因此,问题变得有点多余,因为Meteor 0.9.3+ Phonegap / Cordova集成是开箱即用的,它运作良好。


对于那些仍然在0.9.3版本上工作的人,我确实设法使用替代方法https://github.com/andrewreedy/meteor-cordova-loader,但是有各种Oauth选项存在问题...例如我使用Twitter和amp ; Facebook但与谷歌的行为不一致。