Robot Framework + AutoIt:Dictionary不包含密钥

时间:2014-08-01 15:21:37

标签: python dictionary autoit robotframework

我目前正在使用AutoItRobot Framework库,所以我正在进行典型的“我的第一次”机器人GUI测试并测试计算器!不幸的是,我的下面的代码会生成错误:Dictionary does not contain key 'View Scientific'.。这发生在 Start Calculator 关键字中。似乎每当我打电话给选择计算器菜单项时,我都会收到错误消息。

*** Settings ***
| Documentation    | Tests AutoIt Library
| Suite Setup      | Start Calculator
| Library          | AutoItLibrary
| Library          | Collections
| Library          | String
| Variables        |

*** Test Cases ***
| Integer Addition
| | Click Buttons | 2 2 + 2 =
| | Win Wait | Calculator | 24
| | ${Ans}= | Get Answer
| | Should Be Equal As Numbers | ${Ans} | 24

*** Keywords ***
| Start Calculator
| | Run | calc.exe
| | Wait For Active Window | Calculator
| | Get Calculator Version
| | Select Calculator Menu Item | View Scientific
| | Send | 12345
| | ${Result} | ${ErrMsg} = | Run Keyword And Ignore Error | Win Wait
| | ...       | Calculator  | 12345
| | Run Keyword If | "${Result}"=="FAIL" | Select Calculator Menu Item | View Digit grouping
| | Win Wait | Calculator | 12345
| | Click Button | Clear

| Click Button
| | [Arguments]     | ${Button Text}
| | ${ButtonName} = | Get From Dictionary | ${GUIMAP} | ${ButtonText}
| | Control Click   | Calculator          | ${EMPTY}  | ${ButtonName}

| Click Buttons
| | [Arguments] | ${ButtonNames}
| | @{Buttons}= | Split String  | ${ButtonNames}
| | :FOR        | ${ButtonName} | IN             | @{Buttons}
| |             | Click Button  | ${ButtonName}

| Select Calculator Menu Item
| | [Arguments] | ${MenuItem}
| | ${AltKeys}= | Get From Dictionary | ${MENUMAP} | ${MenuItem}
| | Send  | {ALTDOWN}
| | Sleep | 1
| | Send  | ${AltKeys}
| | Send  | {ALTUP}

| Get Calculator Version
| | Send  | {ALTDOWN}
| | Sleep | 1
| | Send  | ha
| | Send  | {ALTUP}
| | Win Wait Active | About Calculator | Version
| | ${WinText}= | Control Get Text | About Calculator | Version | 13579
| | ${WinText2}= | Run Keyword If   | "Version" not in "${WinText}" | Control Get Text
| | ...          | About Calculator | Version                       | Static4
| | ${WinText}= | Set Variable If | "version" in "${WinText2}" | ${WinText2}
| | ...         | ${WinText}
| | Run Keyword If | "Version" not in "${WinText}" | Fail | Can't find Calculator version
| | ${GUIMAP}= | Set Variable If | "5.1" in "${WinText}" | ${GUIMAP_51}
| | ${GUIMAP}= | Set Variable If | "6.0" in "${WinText}" | ${GUIMAP_60}
| | ...        | ${GUIMAP}
| | ${GUIMAP}= | Set Variable If | "6.1" in "${WinText}" | ${GUIMAP_61}
| | ...        | ${GUIMAP}
| | Run Keyword If | ${GUIMAP}== None | Fail | Calculator version not supported: ${WinText}
| | Set Suite Variable | ${GUIMAP}
| | ${MENUMAP}= | Set Variable If | "5.1" in "${WinText}" | ${GUIMAP_51}
| | ${MENUMAP}= | Set Variable If | "6.0" in "${WinText}" | ${GUIMAP_60}
| | ...          | ${MENUMAP}
| | ${MENUMAP}= | Set Variable If | "6.1" in "${WinText}" | ${GUIMAP_61}
| | ...          | ${MENUMAP}
| | Set Suite Variable | ${MENUMAP}
| | Control Click | About Calculator | Version | Button1

| Get Answer
| | Select Calculator menu Item | Edit Copy
| | ${Answer}= | Clip Get
| | [Return] | ${Answer}



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

"字典不包含密钥' View Scientific'"应该是不言自明的。您尝试使用密钥"View Scientific"作为字典的密钥,而该字典没有该密钥。

在您的情况下,您有一个名为${MENUMAP}的字典,显然具有密钥"View Scientific"。您需要找出地图缺少此键的原因。一件简单的事情就是记录字典,它会告诉你它有哪些键。