map< pair<int, int>, int > myContainer;
myContainer.insert(make_pair(1, 1), 650);
myContainer.insert(make_pair(2, 4), 827);
myContainer.insert(make_pair(3, 1), 5);
myContainer.insert(make_pair(3, 2), 943254);
pair<int, int> key1 = make_pair(1, 1);
pair<int, int> key2 = make_pair(3, 0);
pair<int, int> key3 = make_pair(0, 1);
pair<int, int> key4 = make_pair(0, 0);
auto it = myContainer.find(key1);
cout << it->second << endl; // it->second is an array or vector or values
it = myContainer.find(key2);
cout << it->second << endl; // I know this isn't how to output all values in a vector
it = myContainer.find(key3);
cout << it->second << endl; // But this demonstrates the sort of thing I'm after
it = myContainer.find(key4);
cout << it->second << endl;
5, 943254
650, 5
650, 827, 5, 943254
我对C ++的大部分内容仍然相对较新,目前对数据库一无所知。另一方面,我有一些时间在我的手上学习东西。对不起,如果这是一个模糊的问题,但有可能必须在卡上学习至少1种新语言,我想我也可以问一些方向!提前感谢您提供的任何帮助。
目前使用:Qt with Windows 7或Ubuntu 12.04
答案 0 :(得分:3)
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/composite_key.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
#include <boost/range/any_range.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace boost::multi_index;
struct element{int k1,k2,data;};
typedef multi_index_container<
> multi_t;
typedef boost::any_range<
const element&,
> range_t;
inline range_t range(const multi_t& m,const std::pair<int,int>& k)
return range_t(m.begin(),m.end());
auto p=m.equal_range(k.first);
return range_t(p.first,p.second);
else if(k.first==0){
auto p=m.get<1>().equal_range(k.second);
return range_t(p.first,p.second);
auto p=m.equal_range(boost::make_tuple(k.first,k.second));
return range_t(p.first,p.second);
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const range_t& r)
for(const auto& e:r){
return os;
int main()
multi_t m={{1,1,650},{2,4,827},{3,1,5},{3,2,943254}};
答案 1 :(得分:0)
这是一个使用boost :: multi-index的版本(很好......它涵盖了你的输入):
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/mem_fun.hpp>
using namespace boost::multi_index;
template <typename T, typename KeyElementType = int>
class or_container
typedef KeyElementType key_element_type;
struct default_index{};
struct keyx_index{};
struct keyy_index{};
struct datum
datum(const std::pair<key_element_type, key_element_type>& key, T value)
: key_x(key.first)
, key_y(key.second)
, value(value)
assert(0 != key_x);
assert(0 != key_y);
datum(key_element_type key_x, key_element_type key_y, T value)
: key_x(key_x)
, key_y(key_y)
, value(value)
assert(0 != key_x);
assert(0 != key_y);
std::pair<key_element_type, key_element_type> get_key() const
return std::make_pair(key_x, key_y);
operator const T& () const
return value;
operator T& ()
return value;
key_element_type key_x;
key_element_type key_y;
T value;
typedef multi_index_container
, indexed_by
ordered_non_unique<tag<default_index>, const_mem_fun<datum, std::pair<key_element_type, key_element_type>, &datum::get_key> >
, ordered_non_unique<tag<keyx_index>, member<datum, key_element_type, &datum::key_x> >
, ordered_non_unique<tag<keyy_index>, member<datum, key_element_type, &datum::key_y> >
> container;
container m_cont;
typedef std::pair<key_element_type, key_element_type> key_type;
//! precondition: key indices do not contain 0 values.
//! @return whether the value was inserted for the specified key.
bool insert(key_type key, const T& value)
assert(key.first != 0 && key.second != 0);
if (!key.first || !key.second)
return false;
return m_cont.insert(datum(key, value)).second;
std::size_t size() const { return m_cont.size(); }
std::set< std::reference_wrapper<const T> > find(key_type key) const
std::set< std::reference_wrapper<const T> > values;
if (key.first != 0 && key.second != 0)
const auto& index = m_cont.get<default_index>();
std::transform(index.lower_bound(key), index.upper_bound(key), std::inserter(values, values.end()), [](const datum& d){ return std::reference_wrapper<const T>(d); });
else if (key.first == 0 && key.second == 0)
std::transform(m_cont.begin(), m_cont.end(), std::inserter(values, values.end()), [](const datum& d){ return std::reference_wrapper<const T>(d); });
if (key.first == 0)
const auto& index = m_cont.get<keyy_index>();
std::transform(index.lower_bound(key.second), index.upper_bound(key.second), std::inserter(values, values.end()), [](const datum& d){ return std::reference_wrapper<const T>(d); });
if (key.second == 0)
const auto& index = m_cont.get<keyx_index>();
std::transform(index.lower_bound(key.first), index.upper_bound(key.first), std::inserter(values, values.end()), [](const datum& d){ return std::reference_wrapper<const T>(d); });
return values;
template <typename T, typename Cmp, typename Alloc>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const std::set<T, Cmp, Alloc>& s)
os << "{ ";
int i = 0;
for (T value : s)
if (i++)
os << ", ";
os << value;
os << " }";
return os;
int main()
using namespace std;
or_container<int> myContainer;
myContainer.insert(make_pair(1, 1), 650);
myContainer.insert(make_pair(2, 4), 827);
myContainer.insert(make_pair(3, 1), 5);
myContainer.insert(make_pair(3, 2), 943254);
pair<int, int> key1 = make_pair(1, 1);
pair<int, int> key2 = make_pair(3, 0);
pair<int, int> key3 = make_pair(0, 1);
pair<int, int> key4 = make_pair(0, 0);
auto s = myContainer.find(key1);
cout << s << endl; // it->second is an array or vector or values
s = myContainer.find(key2);
cout << s << endl; // I know this isn't how to output all values in a vector
s = myContainer.find(key3);
cout << s << endl; // But this demonstrates the sort of thing I'm after
s = myContainer.find(key4);
cout << s << endl;
return 0;
严格来说,boost :: multi_index是不必要的。它可能更有效率。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
这是一个版本,只使用了stl(和我认为的C ++ 03)以及Joaquín提出的一些优化:
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
template <typename T, typename KeyElementType = int>
class or_container
typedef KeyElementType key_element_type;
struct datum
datum(const std::pair<key_element_type, key_element_type>& key, T value)
: key(key)
, value(value)
assert(0 != key.first);
assert(0 != key.second);
operator const T& () const
return value;
bool operator <(const datum& rhs) const
return key < rhs.key;
bool operator <(const key_element_type& rhs) const
return key.first < rhs;
friend bool operator <(const key_element_type& lhs, const datum& rhs)
return lhs < rhs.key.first;
bool operator <(const std::pair<key_element_type, key_element_type>& rhs) const
return key < rhs;
friend bool operator <(const std::pair<key_element_type, key_element_type>& lhs, const datum& rhs)
return lhs < rhs.key;
std::pair<key_element_type, key_element_type> key;
T value;
typedef std::multiset<datum> data_set;
typedef typename data_set::iterator datum_iterator;
data_set m_cont;
typedef std::multimap<key_element_type, datum_iterator> y_index;
y_index m_yindex;
typedef std::pair<key_element_type, key_element_type> key_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T& const_reference;
//! precondition: key indices do not contain 0 values.
//! @return whether the value was inserted for the specified key.
bool insert(key_type key, const T& value)
assert(key.first != 0 && key.second != 0);
if (!key.first || !key.second)
return false;
datum_iterator it = m_cont.insert(datum(key, value));
m_yindex.insert(std::make_pair(key.second, it));
return true;
std::size_t size() const { return m_cont.size(); }
std::multiset<T> find(const key_type& key) const
struct deref_map_iter_value
const_reference operator()(const typename y_index::value_type& item) { return *item.second; }
std::multiset<T> values;
if (key.second == 0)
if (key.first == 0)
std::copy(m_cont.begin(), m_cont.end(), std::inserter(values, values.end()));
std::copy(std::lower_bound(m_cont.begin(), m_cont.end(), key.first), std::upper_bound(m_cont.begin(), m_cont.end(), key.first), std::inserter(values, values.end()));
else if (key.first == 0)
std::transform(m_yindex.lower_bound(key.second), m_yindex.upper_bound(key.second), std::inserter(values, values.end()), deref_map_iter_value());
std::copy(std::lower_bound(m_cont.begin(), m_cont.end(), key), std::upper_bound(m_cont.begin(), m_cont.end(), key), std::inserter(values, values.end()));
return values;
template <typename T, typename Cmp, typename Alloc>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const std::multiset<T, Cmp, Alloc>& s)
os << "{ ";
int i = 0;
for (T value : s)
if (i++)
os << ", ";
os << value;
os << " }";
return os;
int main()
using namespace std;
or_container<int> myContainer;
myContainer.insert(make_pair(1, 1), 650);
myContainer.insert(make_pair(2, 4), 827);
myContainer.insert(make_pair(3, 1), 5);
myContainer.insert(make_pair(3, 2), 943254);
pair<int, int> key1 = make_pair(1, 1);
pair<int, int> key2 = make_pair(3, 0);
pair<int, int> key3 = make_pair(0, 1);
pair<int, int> key4 = make_pair(0, 0);
std::multiset<int> s = myContainer.find(key1);
cout << s << endl; // it->second is an array or vector or values
s = myContainer.find(key2);
cout << s << endl; // I know this isn't how to output all values in a vector
s = myContainer.find(key3);
cout << s << endl; // But this demonstrates the sort of thing I'm after
s = myContainer.find(key4);
cout << s << endl;
return 0;