我使用jquery插件在facebook twitter和其他社交网站上分享。但是当我想在FB上分享时我只得到网址,而不是图片,标题和描述。我从昨天开始尝试但没找到任何东西。
$(document).ready(function() {
link: "http://localhost/Web-Project/gallery.html#", // Link to URL defaults to document.URL
title: "title", // Title for social post defaults to document.title
media: "img/test.jpg", // Link to image file defaults to null
decription: "Sed fruatur sane hoc solacio atque hanc insignem ignominiam, quoniam uni praeter se inusta sit, putet esse leviorem, dum modo,cuius exemplo se consolatur ", // Description for Facebook summary
facebook: true, // Turns on Facebook sharing
twitter: true, // Turns on Twitter sharing
pinterest: true, // Turns on Pinterest sharing
googleplus: false, // Turns on Google Plus sharing
linkedin: true, // Turns on LinkedIn sharing
position: "bottom", // Options: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
speed: 50 // Speed of transition
还有另一个.js文件,但这个代码我应该编辑,没有任何工作。欢迎任何帮助:) thx