从`s / ^ / 1 /;`中删除`^`导致我的代码失败。为什么?

时间:2014-07-29 23:40:49

标签: regex perl

我一直在代码高尔夫球交易所工作this problem,这就是为什么我的代码看起来很有趣。

这是一个use strictuse warnings的程序,可以重现问题:

use strict;
use warnings;

$_ = "";

for my $i (1..33){
    s//1/;   # Just prepends 1 to the string $_
print "$_\n";

for my $i (34..127) {
    if( chr(y/1/1/) !~ /[!"'()*+,-.\/12357:;<=>?CEFGHIJKLMNSTUVWXYZ[\\\]^_`cfhijklmnrstuvwxyz{|}~]/ ) {
        print chr y/1/1/;
    s/^/1/;   # Prepends 1 to the start of the string.




use strict;
use warnings;

$_ = "";

for my $i (1..33){
print "$_\n";

for my $i (34..127) {
    if( chr(y/1/1/) !~ /[!"'()*+,-.\/12357:;<=>?CEFGHIJKLMNSTUVWXYZ[\\\]^_`cfhijklmnrstuvwxyz{|}~]/ ) {
        print chr y/1/1/;
    s//1/;   # No Longer matches!

为什么会这样? s//1/在第一个循环中起作用,那么为什么在第二个循环中更改它会破坏一切?


for my $i (34..127) {
        if( chr(y/1/1/) !~ /[!"'()*+,-.\/12357:;<=>?CEFGHIJKLMNSTUVWXYZ[\\\]^_`cfhijklmnrstuvwxyz{|}~]/ ) {
            print chr y/1/1/;
    s//1/;   # This prepends 1 to the string $_ again.



use strict;
use warnings;
until( y/1/1/ > 32){
    print "test1";
    print "test";
print "$_\n";
until( y/1/1/ > 125+1 ) {
    if( chr(y/1/1/) !~ /[!"'()*+,-.\/12357:;<=>?CEFGHIJKLMNSTUVWXYZ[\\\]^_`cfhijklmnrstuvwxyz{|}~]/ ) {
        print chr y/1/1/;

    s/^/1/; # this is the line we remove ^ from






3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)




如果PATTERN评估为空字符串,则最后成功   使用匹配的正则表达式。在这种情况下,只有g   和空模式上的c标志被尊重

请参阅The empty pattern //

答案 1 :(得分:2)


print "regex have dynamic scope\n";
$_ = 1;
    print "$_  one becomes two, s//2/ is really s/1/2/\n";
    print "$_  one still becomes two, s//2/ is really s/1/2/\n";

    print "$_  one becomes twentyone, s//2/; is really s/(?:)//2;\n";

regex have dynamic scope
2  one becomes two, s//2/ is really s/1/2/
2  one still becomes two, s//2/ is really s/1/2/
21  one becomes twentyone, s//2/; is really s/(?:)//2;

由于正则表达式具有动态范围,因此使用 The empty pattern // 实际上意味着使用来自同一 dynamic scope 的先前模式,所以不要这样做:)

如果添加use re 'debug';,您可以看到正则表达式引擎使用上一个模式(关注Matching REx语句,NOTHING(2)为空而没有上一个,EXACT <1>(3)是之前的模式)

regex have dynamic scope
Guessing start of match in sv for REx "1" against "1"
Found anchored substr "1" at offset 0...
Guessed: match at offset 0
Guessing start of match in sv for REx "1" against "1"
Found anchored substr "1" at offset 0...
Guessed: match at offset 0
Matching REx "1" against "1"
   0 <> <1>                  |  1:EXACT <1>(3)
   1 <1> <>                  |  3:END(0)
Match successful!
2  one becomes two, s//2/ is really s/1/2/
Guessing start of match in sv for REx "1" against "1"
Found anchored substr "1" at offset 0...
Guessed: match at offset 0
Guessing start of match in sv for REx "1" against "1"
Found anchored substr "1" at offset 0...
Guessed: match at offset 0
Matching REx "1" against "1"
   0 <> <1>                  |  1:EXACT <1>(3)
   1 <1> <>                  |  3:END(0)
Match successful!
2  one still becomes two, s//2/ is really s/1/2/
Guessing start of match in sv for REx "1" against "1"
Found anchored substr "1" at offset 0...
Guessed: match at offset 0
Matching REx "" against "1"
   0 <> <1>                  |  1:NOTHING(2)
   0 <> <1>                  |  2:END(0)
Match successful!
21  one becomes twentyone, s//2/; is really s/(?:)//2;

更新,因为你有一个无限循环;最后一个模式总是有1个,所以替换基本上是s / 1/1 /;这意味着你的字符串不会增长,它总是33个字符...请参阅更新:)

until( y/1/1/ > 32){
    print "test1";
    print "test";
print "$_\n";
my $max = 126;
my $count = 0;
my $reps = 0;
until( y/1/1/ > 125+1 ) {
    if( chr(y/1/1/) !~ /[!"'()*+,-.\/12357:;<=>?CEFGHIJKLMNSTUVWXYZ[\\\]^_`cfhijklmnrstuvwxyz{|}~]/ ) {
        print chr y/1/1/;
$reps =
#~     s/^/1/; # win
    s//1/; # fail
    last if $count > $max;
print "m $max c $count r $reps l @{[ length $_ ]}\n";
win #$%&04689@ABDOPQRabdegopqm 126 c 94 r 1 l 127
fail m 126 c 127 r 1 l 33

除非您对附加内容进行模糊处理,否则前缀为$_ .= 1;

答案 2 :(得分:1)

要在VladimirM answer上第二次扩展empty pattern //是问题所在,以下内容来自perldoc:

  • 空模式//






use strict;
use warnings;

$_ = "";

for my $i (1..127) {
    my $chr = chr(length);

    if( $chr =~ m'(?![#$%&])[[:punct:]12357CE-NS-Zcfh-nr-z]' ) {
        print "'$chr'";
    } else {
        print "   ";

    s//$i % 10/e;

    printf "% 4d %s\n", $i, $_;


      1 1
      2 21
      3 321
      4 4321
      5 54321
      6 654321
      7 7654321
      8 87654321
      9 987654321
     10 0987654321
     11 10987654321
     12 210987654321
     13 3210987654321
     14 43210987654321
     15 543210987654321
     16 6543210987654321
     17 76543210987654321
     18 876543210987654321
     19 9876543210987654321
     20 09876543210987654321
     21 109876543210987654321
     22 2109876543210987654321
     23 32109876543210987654321
     24 432109876543210987654321
     25 5432109876543210987654321
     26 65432109876543210987654321
     27 765432109876543210987654321
     28 8765432109876543210987654321
     29 98765432109876543210987654321
     30 098765432109876543210987654321
     31 1098765432109876543210987654321
     32 21098765432109876543210987654321
     33 321098765432109876543210987654321
'!'  34 421098765432109876543210987654321
'!'  35 451098765432109876543210987654321
'!'  36 461098765432109876543210987654321
'!'  37 467098765432109876543210987654321
'!'  38 468098765432109876543210987654321
'!'  39 468098965432109876543210987654321
'!'  40 468098960432109876543210987654321
'!'  41 468098960412109876543210987654321
'!'  42 468098960422109876543210987654321
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'!'  44 468098960442109876543210987654321
'!'  45 468098960445109876543210987654321
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'!'  50 468098960446809896043210987654321
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'!'  54 468098960446809896044210987654321
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'!'  60 468098960446809896044680989604321
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