
时间:2010-03-23 16:23:39

标签: django list templates for-loop django-templates

在我的Django 1.1.1应用程序中,我在视图中有一个函数,它返回一个数字范围和一系列项目列表,例如:

data=[[item1 , item2, item3], [item4, item5, item6], [item7, item8, item9]]  
return render_to_response('page.html', {'data':data, 'cycle':range(0,len(data)-1])


{% for page in cycle %}   
< table >   
{% for item in data.forloop.counter0 %}  
< tr >< td >{{item.a}} < /td > < td > {{item.b}} ... < /td > < /tr >  
< /table >  
{% endfor %}  
{% if not forloop.last %}  
< div class="page_break_div" >  
{% endif %}  
{% endfor %}  

但Django模板引擎不能使用forloop.counter0值作为列表的索引(相反,如果我手动将数值作为索引)。有没有办法让列表循环与外部forloop.counter0值一起使用? 在此先感谢您的帮助:)

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)



{% for list1item in list1 %}
   {% for list2item in list2 %}
      {% if forloop.counter == forloop.parentloop.counter %}
          {{ list1item }} {{ list2item }}
      {% endif %}
   {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

答案 1 :(得分:12)




{% for itemlist in data %}
        {% for item in itemlist %}
          <td>{{ item.a }}</td>
          <td>{{ item.b }} ... </td>
        {% endfor %}
    {% if not forloop.last %}
        <div class="page_break_div">
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

答案 2 :(得分:3)

我想通过传递切换的True / False值列表,使用样式表在表格中交替显示颜色。我觉得这真令人沮丧。最后,我创建了一个字典项列表,其中的键与表中的字段具有相同的键,另外还有一个带有切换的true / false值的字典项。

def jobListView(request):
    # django does not allow you to append stuff to the job identity, neither
    # will it allow forloop.counter to index another list. The only solution
    # is to have the toggle embedded in a dictionary along with
    # every field from the job
    j                   = job.objects.order_by('-priority')
    # have a toggling true/false list for alternating colours in the table
    theTog              = True
    jobList             = [] 
    for i in j:
        myJob           = {}
        myJob['id']     = i.id
        myJob['duty']   = i.duty
        myJob['updated'] = i.updated
        myJob['priority'] = i.priority
        myJob['description'] = i.description
        myJob['toggle'] = theTog
        theTog          = not(theTog)
    # next i

    return render_to_response('index.html', locals())
# end jobDetaiView


{% if jobList %}
    <table border="1"><tr>
    <th>Job ID</th><th>Duty</th><th>Updated</th><th>Priority</th><th>Description</th>

    {% for myJob in jobList %}

        <!-- only show jobs that are not closed and have a positive priority. -->
        {% if myJob.priority and not myJob.closeDate %}
            <!-- alternate colours with the classes defined in the style sheet -->
            {% if myJob.toggle %}
                <tr class=d1> 
            {% else %}
                <tr class=d0>
            {% endif %}

            <td><a href="/jobs/{{ myJob.id }}/">{{ myJob.id }}</td><td>{{ myJob.duty }}</td> 
            <td>{{ myJob.updated }}</td><td>{{ myJob.priority }}</td>
            <td class=middle>{{ myJob.description }}</td>
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
    <p>No jobs are in the system.</p>
{% endif %}

答案 3 :(得分:0)

使用forloop.last - 如果这是最后一次循环,则为真:

{% if forloop.last %}
{% endif %}

来自Built-in template tags and filters