
时间:2014-07-28 15:11:35

标签: javascript angularjs twitter-bootstrap


<div data-ng-controller='modalCtrl' >
    <div data-ng-include="templateUrl" >

就是这样,真的没什么。然后在$ rootScope上,我有以下代码,根据路由名称和传递给它的参数打开一个新模式。

 app.run(function($rootScope,$modal) {
        $rootScope.openEditModal = function (startRouteName, parameters, scope) {
                templateUrl: 'app/common/modaltemplate.html',
                scope: scope,
                controller: function($scope, $modalInstance) {
                    $modalInstance.opened.then(function () {
                    $scope.startRouteName = startRouteName;
                    $scope.routeParams = parameters;


因此,当modal打开时,routeName和参数将在modalCtrl.js中处理。部分代码是从角度代码库中劫持的。简而言之,它将模板的url定位为绑定到ng-include之上,并将所有参数设置为$ scope上的routeParams

$scope.routeParams = next.params;
//ep: set the templateUrl for the 'view' so that modal.html will load it in.
$scope.templateUrl = next.$$route.templateUrl;


var startRouteName = 'InsuredExceptionAdd';
var params = {
       mode: 'add',
        viewTitle: "Add Insured Exception",
        insuredId: insuredId,

$scope.openEditModal(startRouteName, params, $scope);

然后在保存时我可以导航到下一个路线等。现在,我正在尝试从模态中弹出另一个模态,这就是我遇到以下问题的地方。一个新的模态在第一个,但是,新打开的模态和第一个模态现在共享相同的控制器,但不是控制器的相同实例的顶部加速。我使用快速uid生成器来确认控制器不是同一个实例,而它们不是。会发生什么,是第一个模态的包含视图的控​​制器被控制器和新弹出模式的视图替换。 如果我查看DOM,我现在有两个包含的视图。我从第一个模态看到的第一个视图已经消失并被替换为新视图,第二个模态保持相同的视图,但没有发生任何绑定。在下面的示例中,inInsuredEditCtrl和视图已被替换为 像这样的inRelatedInsuredEditCtrl

<div tabindex="-1" class="modal fade  in" ng-class="{in: animate}" ng-style="{'z-index': 1050 + index*10, display: 'block'}" ng-click="close($event)" modal-window="" index="0" animate="animate" style="z-index: 1050; display: block;">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
        <div class="modal-content" ng-transclude="">
            <div data-ng-controller="modalCtrl" class="ng-scope">
            <!-- ngInclude: templateUrl -->
                <div data-ng-include="templateUrl" class="ng-scope">
                    <div id="editRelatedInsured" data-ng-controller="inRelatedInsuredEditCtrl" class="ng-scope">
            <div class="modal-header">
                <h3 class="lineset ng-binding">Add Related Insured</h3> 
            <form role="form" name="editRelatedInsuredForm" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">            


<div tabindex="-1" class="modal fade  in" ng-class="{in: animate}" ng-style="{'z-index': 1050 + index*10, display: 'block'}" ng-click="close($event)" modal-window="" index="1" animate="animate" style="z-index: 1060; display: block;">
    <div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content" ng-transclude="">
        <div data-ng-controller="modalCtrl" class="ng-scope">

        <!-- ngInclude: templateUrl -->
        <div data-ng-include="templateUrl" class="ng-scope">
            <div id="editRelatedInsured" data-ng-controller="inRelatedInsuredEditCtrl" class="ng-scope">
                <div class="modal-header">
                <h3 class="lineset ng-binding">{{routeParams.viewTitle}}</h3> 

            <form role="form" name="editRelatedInsuredForm" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">           


1 个答案:

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(function () {
    'use strict';

    var app = angular.module('app');

    app.run(function ($modal, $modalStack, $rootScope, $route, $routeParams, $location, $q, $sce, $injector, $http, $templateCache) {

        $rootScope.openEditModal = function (startRouteName, parameters, scope) {

            function afterModalOpened($scope) {

                $scope.title = "modalCtrl";

                // ep: keep track of modal windows open for edit
                // $modalStack keeps list of all opened windows, but that is not good for us
                // saving... and loading... are also modals and they appear as top most window so
                // $modalStack.getTop().value.modalScope.$id does not work always , and in order to 
                // responsed to $locationChangeStart events by top most open edit modal we need this list
                $rootScope.editModalsScopes = $rootScope.editModalsScopes || [];


                console.log("modalCtrl.afterModalOpened -  $scope.$id: " + $scope.$id + " " + "   startRouteName: " + startRouteName);

                //ep: overwrite default implementation os $scope.$close from modal window
                var closeModal = $scope.$close;
                $scope.$close = function (payload) {
                    console.log("scope closing the modal: " + $scope.$id);
                    // $scope.$emit("ModalClosing");

                //ep: overwrite default implementation os $scope.$dismiss from modal window
                var dismissModal = $scope.$dismiss;
                $scope.$dismiss = function (reason) {
                    console.log("scope canceling the modal: " + $scope.$id);
                    // $scope.$emit("ModalCanceling");

                //ep: following section deals witn in-modal navigation
                // when we don't want to close window before progressing to a next window
                // one can use $scope.navigateTo(routeName, paramters) to switch the content within the modal window

                var callerLocation = {};
                angular.copy($location, callerLocation);

                //ep: remember the return function so we can de-register it
                var offLocationChangeStart = $scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (event) {

                    //ep: so that that angular base would not process this also,
                    // navigation is localized to modal window

                    var topEditModalScope = $rootScope.editModalsScopes[$rootScope.editModalsScopes.length - 1];

                    console.log("in $locationChangeStart");
                    console.log("    $scope.$id = " + $scope.$id + " " + $scope.title);
                    console.log("    top most edit modal window $scope.$id " + topEditModalScope.$id);
                    console.log("    event.currentScope.$id = " + event.currentScope.$id);
                    console.log("    event.targetScope.$id = " + event.targetScope.$id);

                    //process locationChangeStart events only by the top edit modal window, currently active one
                    if (topEditModalScope.$id !== $scope.$id) {

                        console.log("$locationChangeStart - aborting processing due to scope id diferences");

                    //ep: this could be problematic when there are search parameters and reload is true
                    //but for now it all works fine, address if and when needed
                    if ($location.$$path == callerLocation.$$path) {

                    var route = $location.$$path;

                    console.log("   about to process route " + route);

                    //ep: this will ad entry on the $scope.routeParams and set templateUrl that modal's ng-include is bound to.
                    //  all objects that are on passed will be passed as route paramters. Complex objects will be converted to JSON
                    //  on receiving side one has to convert them back.
                    $q.when(processRoute()).then(function () {
                        console.log("   finished processing route " + route);


                function activate() {

                    $scope.routeParams = parameters;
                    $scope.templateUrl = $scope.getTemplateUrl(startRouteName);


                //ep: this code was lifted from anuglar-route.js/updateRoute() and modified to process 
                //route, get the templateUrl and routeParameters, set them on the $scope, but not raise any events.
                function processRoute() {
                    var next = parseRoute(),
                        last = $route.current;

                    if (next || last) {
                        //forceReload = false;
                        //$rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeStart', next, last);
                        //$route.current = next;
                        if (next) {
                            if (next.redirectTo) {
                                if (angular.isString(next.redirectTo)) {
                                    $location.path(interpolate(next.redirectTo, next.params)).search(next.params)
                                } else {
                                    $location.url(next.redirectTo(next.pathParams, $location.path(), $location.search()))

                          then(function () {
                              if (next) {
                                  var locals = angular.extend({}, next.resolve),
                                      template, templateUrl;

                                  angular.forEach(locals, function (value, key) {
                                      locals[key] = angular.isString(value) ?
                                          $injector.get(value) : $injector.invoke(value);

                                  if (angular.isDefined(template = next.template)) {
                                      if (angular.isFunction(template)) {
                                          template = template(next.params);
                                  } else if (angular.isDefined(templateUrl = next.templateUrl)) {
                                      if (angular.isFunction(templateUrl)) {
                                          templateUrl = templateUrl(next.params);
                                      templateUrl = $sce.getTrustedResourceUrl(templateUrl);
                                      if (angular.isDefined(templateUrl)) {
                                          next.loadedTemplateUrl = templateUrl;
                                          template = $http.get(templateUrl, { cache: $templateCache }).
                                              then(function (response) { return response.data; });
                                  if (angular.isDefined(template)) {
                                      locals['$template'] = template;
                                  return $q.all(locals);
                          // after route change
                          then(function (locals) {

                              console.log("processRoute.afterRouteChange $scope.id: " + $scope.$id + " - " + $scope.title);

                              //angular.copy(next.params, $scope.routeParams);

                              //ep: make routeParams available to the next "view" handled by the modal
                              $scope.routeParams = next.params;

                              //ep: set the templateUrl for the 'view' so that modal.html will load it in.
                              $scope.templateUrl = next.$$route.templateUrl;

                              //modalScope.templateUrl = next.$$route.templateUrl;    //^

                              //if (next == $route.current) {
                              //     if (next) {

                              //         next.locals = locals;

                              //           angular.copy(next.params, $routeParams);
                              //     }
                              //     $rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeSuccess', next, last);
                              // }
                          }, function (error) {
                              if (next == $route.current) {
                                  //$rootScope.$broadcast('$routeChangeError', next, last, error);

                //ep:copied from anuglar-route.js 
                function parseRoute() {
                    // Match a route
                    var params, match;
                    angular.forEach($route.routes, function (route, path) {
                        if (!match && (params = switchRouteMatcher($location.path(), route))) {
                            match = inherit(route, {
                                params: angular.extend({}, $location.search(), params),
                                pathParams: params
                            match.$$route = route;
                    // No route matched; fallback to "otherwise" route
                    return match || routes[null] && inherit(routes[null], { params: {}, pathParams: {} });

               * @param on {string} current url
               * @param route {Object} route regexp to match the url against
               * @return {?Object}
               * @description
               * Check if the route matches the current url.
               * Inspired by match in
               * visionmedia/express/lib/router/router.js.
                //ep:copied from anuglar-route.js 
                function switchRouteMatcher(on, route) {
                    var keys = route.keys,
                        params = {};

                    if (!route.regexp) return null;

                    var m = route.regexp.exec(on);
                    if (!m) return null;

                    for (var i = 1, len = m.length; i < len; ++i) {
                        var key = keys[i - 1];

                        var val = 'string' == typeof m[i]
                              ? decodeURIComponent(m[i])
                              : m[i];

                        if (key && val) {
                            params[key.name] = val;
                    return params;

                ////ep: copied from angular-route core
                function inherit(parent, extra) {
                    return angular.extend(new (angular.extend(function () { }, { prototype: parent }))(), extra);


            //ep : open modal and process route and parameters
                template: "<div data-ng-include='templateUrl'></div>",
                //templateUrl: 'app/common/modaltemplate.html',
                // scope: scope,
                controller: function ($scope, $modalInstance) {

                                    .then(function () {
