
时间:2014-07-27 18:23:23

标签: scala


class ConvEntry(designation: String, saeThick: Double, common: Boolean)
val convList = immutable.List(
      new ConvEntry("16 Gauge", 0.0598, true),
      new ConvEntry("1/16th Inch", 0.0625, true),
      new ConvEntry("15 Gauge", 0.0673, false),
      new ConvEntry("14 Gauge", 0.0747, false),
      new ConvEntry("13 Gauge", 0.0897, false),
      new ConvEntry("12 Gauge", 0.1046, true),
      new ConvEntry("11 Gauge", 0.1196, false),
      new ConvEntry("1/8th Inch", 0.1250, true),
      new ConvEntry("10 Gauge", 0.1345, false),
      new ConvEntry("0.160 Inch", 0.1600, false),
      new ConvEntry("8 Gauge", 0.1644, false),
      new ConvEntry("3/16th Inch", 0.1875, true),
      new ConvEntry("0.190 Inch", 0.1900, false),
      new ConvEntry("0.204 Inch", 0.2040, false),
      new ConvEntry("1/4 Inch", 0.2500, true),
      new ConvEntry("5/16th Inch", 0.3125, true),
      new ConvEntry("3/8th Inch", 0.3750, true),
      new ConvEntry("7/16th Inch", 0.4375, true),
      new ConvEntry("1/2 Inch", 0.5000, true),
      new ConvEntry("9/16th Inch", 0.5625, true),
      new ConvEntry("5/8th Inch", 0.6250, true),
      new ConvEntry("11/16th Inch", 0.6875, true),
      new ConvEntry("3/4th Inch", 0.7500, true),
      new ConvEntry("13/16th Inch", 0.8125, true),
      new ConvEntry("7/8 Inch", 0.8750, true),
      new ConvEntry("1 Inch", 1.0000, true),
      new ConvEntry("1 1/4 Inch", 1.2500, true),
      new ConvEntry("1 1/2 Inch", 1.5000, true),
      new ConvEntry("1 3/4 Inch", 1.7500, true),
      new ConvEntry("2 Inch", 2.0000, true),
      new ConvEntry("2 1/2 Inch", 2.5000, true)



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




val filteredList = convList.filter(_.common)


val filteredList = convList.filterNot(_.common)

对于项目之前和之后的元素,可以使用indexWhere和一个检查值的函数,然后使用index - 1和index + 1来获取上一个和下一个项目。这是假设按前一个和下一个你的意思是根据列表已经在的顺序。尽管使用Boris建议的二进制搜索,评论中的蜘蛛会更高效。


答案 1 :(得分:1)


val (commonConvs, uncommonConvs) = convList.partition(_.common)


val init = (Option.empty[ConvEntry], Option.empty[ConvEntry], 

val (prevOpt, elemOpt, nextOpt) = convList.foldLeft(init) {
  case ((prevOpt, None, _), cur) if cur.designation == "blar blar" => 
    (prevOpt, Some(cur), None)
  case ((_, None, _), cur) => (Some(cur), None, None)
  case ((prevOpt, Some(elem), None), cur) => (prevOpt, Some(elem), Some(cur))
  case ((prevOpt, Some(elem), Some(next)), _) => (prevOpt, Some(elem), Some(next))



答案 2 :(得分:0)


val(trueValues,falseValues)= convList.partition(_。common)


import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet
case class ConvEntry(designation: String, saeThick: Double, common: Boolean)

val convList = List(
      ConvEntry("16 Gauge", 0.0598, true),
        // the rest of your list goes here ...
      ConvEntry("2 1/2 Inch", 2.5000, true)

val myOrdering = Ordering.fromLessThan[ConvEntry]{(x,y) => x.saeThick < y.saeThick}
val ts = TreeSet.empty(myOrdering) ++ convList

def beforeAndAfter(saeThick:Double, ts:TreeSet[ConvEntry]) = {
    (for (item<-ts.find(_.saeThick==saeThick)) yield {
      (ts.to(item).take(1) ++ ts.from(item).take(2)).toList

scala> beforeAndAfter(0.204, ts)
res12: List[ConvEntry]] = List(ConvEntry(16 Gauge,0.0598,true), ConvEntry(0.204 Inch,0.204,false), ConvEntry(1/4 Inch,0.25,true))

scala> beforeAndAfter(0.625, ts)
List[ConvEntry] = List(ConvEntry(16 Gauge,0.0598,true), ConvEntry(5/8th Inch,0.625,true), ConvEntry(11/16th Inch,0.6875,true))

答案 3 :(得分:0)


trait Converter {

  val pointTwo = (ret: Double) => BigDecimal(ret).setScale(2, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toDouble
  val pointFour = (ret: Double) => BigDecimal(ret).setScale(4, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toDouble

  val convList = immutable.List[ConvEntry](
    new ConvEntry("16 Gauge", 0.0598, true),
    new ConvEntry("1/16th Inch", 0.0625, true),
    new ConvEntry("15 Gauge", 0.0673, false),
    new ConvEntry("14 Gauge", 0.0747, false),
    new ConvEntry("13 Gauge", 0.0897, false),
    new ConvEntry("12 Gauge", 0.1046, true),
    new ConvEntry("11 Gauge", 0.1196, false),
    new ConvEntry("1/8th Inch", 0.1250, true),
    new ConvEntry("10 Gauge", 0.1345, false),
    new ConvEntry("0.160 Inch", 0.1600, false),
    new ConvEntry("8 Gauge", 0.1644, false),
    new ConvEntry("3/16th Inch", 0.1875, true),
    new ConvEntry("0.190 Inch", 0.1900, false),
    new ConvEntry("0.204 Inch", 0.2040, false),
    new ConvEntry("1/4 Inch", 0.2500, true),
    new ConvEntry("5/16th Inch", 0.3125, true),
    new ConvEntry("3/8th Inch", 0.3750, true),
    new ConvEntry("7/16th Inch", 0.4375, true),
    new ConvEntry("1/2 Inch", 0.5000, true),
    new ConvEntry("9/16th Inch", 0.5625, true),
    new ConvEntry("5/8th Inch", 0.6250, true),
    new ConvEntry("11/16th Inch", 0.6875, true),
    new ConvEntry("3/4th Inch", 0.7500, true),
    new ConvEntry("13/16th Inch", 0.8125, true),
    new ConvEntry("7/8 Inch", 0.8750, true),
    new ConvEntry("1 Inch", 1.0000, true),
    new ConvEntry("1 1/4 Inch", 1.2500, true),
    new ConvEntry("1 1/2 Inch", 1.5000, true),
    new ConvEntry("1 3/4 Inch", 1.7500, true),
    new ConvEntry("2 Inch", 2.0000, true),
    new ConvEntry("2 1/2 Inch", 2.5000, true)

  def resolveDesignation(intake: Double, commonParam: Boolean, round: Rounder): ConvEntry = {
    val tpl = loopSearch(convList.filter {_.common == commonParam }, intake)
    matchRound(intake, tpl, round)

  def matchRound(target: Double, x: (ConvEntry, ConvEntry), round: Rounder): ConvEntry = round match {
    case Rounder.Up => x._2
    case Rounder.Down => x._1
    case Rounder.Closest if (target - x._1.saeThick) < (x._2.saeThick - target ) =>  x._1
    case Rounder.Closest if (target - x._1.saeThick) >= (x._2.saeThick - target ) =>  x._2

  def loopSearch(list: List[ConvEntry], target: Double): (ConvEntry, ConvEntry) = {
    var prev: ConvEntry = null

    list.foreach { x =>
      if (x.saeThick == target) return (null, x)
      else if (x.saeThick > target) return (prev, x)
      else prev = x
    (null, null)