我尝试使用opengl es 2.0建立一个使用碰撞检测的3D粒子模拟,但我无法弄清楚如何检测与屏幕边缘的碰撞。
如果我正确地调整平截头体和摄像机位置,当粒子处于0.0 z深度时,我可以使X和Y屏幕限制在-1.0和1.0之间或多或少,但问题是找到屏幕边缘时粒子z位置不为零。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案是截头飞机。下面是C ++ / Direct3D示例,您可能会发现它很有用:
class Frustum
Plane plane[6]; // array of planes
// default constructor
for( unsigned int i=0; i<6; i++ ) plane[i] = Plane( 0,0,0,0 );
// perspective projection frustum
Frustum( Matrix* matrix,
unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
float fov, float nearClip, float farClip,
float xFactor, float yFactor )
// frustrum planes
Vector r_origin( matrix->_41, matrix->_42, matrix->_43 );
Vector vpn( matrix->_31, matrix->_32, matrix->_33 );
Vector vright( matrix->_11, matrix->_12, matrix->_13 );
Vector vup( matrix->_21, matrix->_22, matrix->_23 );
// for right-handed coordinate system
vpn *= - 1, vright *= -1, vup *= -1;
// somewhat an offset
float orgOffset = D3DXVec3Dot( &r_origin, &vpn );
// far plane
plane[4].a = -vpn.x;
plane[4].b = -vpn.y;
plane[4].c = -vpn.z;
plane[4].d = -farClip - orgOffset;
// near plane
plane[5].a = vpn.x;
plane[5].b = vpn.y;
plane[5].c = vpn.z;
plane[5].d = nearClip + orgOffset;
// field of view
float fovx = fov * xFactor;
float fovy = fovx * height/width * yFactor;
fovx *= 0.5f, fovy *= 0.5f;
float tanx = tan( D3DXToRadian(fovx) );
float tany = tan( D3DXToRadian(fovy) );
// left plane
Vector n = (vpn * tanx) + vright;
D3DXVec3Normalize( &n, &n );
plane[0].a = n.x;
plane[0].b = n.y;
plane[0].c = n.z;
// right plane
n = (vpn * tanx) - vright;
D3DXVec3Normalize( &n, &n );
plane[1].a = n.x;
plane[1].b = n.y;
plane[1].c = n.z;
// bottom plane
n = (vpn * tany) + vup;
D3DXVec3Normalize( &n, &n );
plane[2].a = n.x;
plane[2].b = n.y;
plane[2].c = n.z;
// top plane
n = (vpn * tany) - vup;
D3DXVec3Normalize( &n, &n );
plane[3].a = n.x;
plane[3].b = n.y;
plane[3].c = n.z;
for( unsigned int i=0; i < 4; i++ )
n.x = plane[i].a;
n.y = plane[i].b;
n.z = plane[i].c;
plane[i].d = D3DXVec3Dot( &n, &r_origin );