'get starting doc w macro (styletemplate)
Set mydoc = wrd.Documents.Open(strformattemplate, False, False)
'this is the base doc with styles - this save works fine
mydoc.SaveAs2 filename:=strNewName,FileFormat:=wdFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled
'here's our skeleton this is what we want to copy in
Set skel = wrd.Documents.Open(skelpath)
Set rangetocopy = skel.Range(0, skel.Bookmarks("\endofdoc").End)
rangetocopy.copy ' copy to clipboard
'copy in the skeleton and close it
Set workingrange = mydoc.Range(0, mydoc.Bookmarks("\endofdoc").End)
mydoc.Save 'here's where it's failing
skel.Close False