lnk2019在非常简单的c ++程序中出错

时间:2010-03-23 00:45:22

标签: c++ lnk2019



#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

const int maxlist = 20;

string adj1[maxlist], adj2[maxlist], noun[maxlist];

void defaultlist(int list)
 if(list == 1)
  adj1[0] = "green";
  adj1[1] = "red";
  adj1[2] = "yellow";
  adj1[3] = "blue";
  adj1[4] = "purple";

  int i = 5;
  while(i != maxlist)
   adj1[i] = "";
   i = i + 1;

 if(list == 2)
  adj2[0] = "shiny";
  adj2[1] = "hard";
  adj2[2] = "soft";
  adj2[3] = "spiky";
  adj2[4] = "furry";

  int i = 5;
  while(i != maxlist)
   adj2[i] = "";
   i = i + 1;

 if(list == 3)
  noun[0] = "cat";
  noun[1] = "dog";
  noun[2] = "desk";
  noun[3] = "chair";
  noun[4] = "door";

  int i = 5;
  while(i != maxlist)
   noun[i] = "";
   i = i + 1;

void printlist(int list)
 if(list == 1)
  int i = 0;
  while(!(i == maxlist))
   cout << adj1[i] << endl;
   i = i + 1;

 if(list == 2)
  int i = 0;
  while(!(i == maxlist))
   cout << adj2[i] << endl;
   i = i + 1;

 if(list == 3)
  int i = 0;
  while(!(i == maxlist))
   cout << noun[i] << endl;
   i = i + 1;

string makephrase()
 int num1 = rand()%maxlist;
 int num2 = rand()%maxlist;
 int num3 = rand()%maxlist;
 int num4 = rand()%1;

 string word1, word2, word3;

 if(num4 = 0)
  word1 = adj1[num1];
  word2 = adj2[num2];
  word1 = adj2[num1];
  word2 = adj1[num2];

 word3 = noun[num3];

return word1 + " ," + word2 + " " + word3;

string addword(string word, int list)
 string result;

 if(list == 1)
  int i = 0;
  while(!(adj1[i] == "" || i == maxlist))
   i = i + 1;

  if(i == maxlist) result = "List is full. Please try again.";
  if(adj1[i] == "")
   adj1[i] = word;
   result = "Word was entered successfully.";

 if(list == 2)
  int i = 0;
  while(!(adj2[i] == "" || i == maxlist))
   i = i + 1;

  if(i == maxlist) result = "List is full. Please try again.";
  if(adj2[i] == "")
   adj2[i] = word;
   result = "Word was entered successfully.";

 if(list == 3)
  int i = 0;
  while(!(noun[i] == "" || i == maxlist))
   i = i + 1;

  if(i == maxlist) result = "List is full. Please try again.";
  if(noun[i] == "")
   noun[i] = word;
   result = "Word was entered successfully.";
return result;
string removeword(string word, int list)
 string result;

 if(list == 1)
  int i = 0;
  while(!(adj1[i] == word || i == maxlist))
   i = i + 1;

  if(i == maxlist) result = "Word is not on the list. Please try again.";
  if(adj1[i] == word)
   adj1[i] = "";
   result = "Word was removed successfully.";

  if(list == 2)
  int i = 0;
  while(!(adj2[i] == word || i == maxlist))
   i = i + 1;

  if(i == maxlist) result = "Word is not on the list. Please try again.";
  if(adj2[i] == word)
   adj2[i] = "";
   result = "Word was removed successfully.";

 if(list == 3)
  int i = 0;
  while(!(noun[i] == word || i == maxlist))
   i = i + 1;

  if(i == maxlist) result = "Word is not on the list. Please try again.";
  if(noun[i] == word)
   noun[i] = "";
   result = "Word was removed successfully.";

return result;


int main()
 string mainselection;
 string makeselection;
 string phrase;


 cout << "This program generates jargon phrases made of two adjectives and one noun,";
 cout << " on three lists. Each list may contain a maximum of " << maxlist << "elements.";
 cout << " Please choose from the following menu by typing the appropriate number ";
 cout << "and pressing enter." << endl;

 cout << endl;

 cout << "1. Make a jargon phrase." << endl;
 cout << "2. View a list." << endl;
 cout << "3. Add a word to a list." << endl;
 cout << "4. Remove a word from a list." << endl;
 cout << "5. Restore default lists." << endl;
 cout << "More options coming soon!." << endl;

 cin >> mainselection

 if(mainselection == 1)
  phrase = makephrase();

  cout << "Your phrase is " << phrase << "." << endl;
  cout << "To make another phrase, press 1. To go back to the main menu,";
  cout << " press 2. To exit the program, press 3." << endl;

  cin >> makeselection;

  while(!(makeselection == "1" || makeselection == "2" || makeselection == "3"))
   cout << "You have entered an invalid selection. Please try again." << endl;
   cin >> makeselection;

  while(makeselection == "1")
   phrase = makephrase();
   cout << "To make another phrase, press 1. To go back to the main menu,";
   cout << " press 2. To exit the program, press 3." << endl;

  if(makeselection == "2") main();
  if(makeselection == "3") return 0;

return 0;

//Rest of the options coming soon!

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

根据gcc的问题是,您尚未为rand()函数声明正确的包含 - 我添加了#include <cstdlib>,问题就消失了。


cin >> mainselection;
if ( mainselection == 1 )

哪个不起作用。 Mainselection是一个字符串,只能使用类比较方法进行比较,如下所示:

cin >> mainselection;
if ( mainselection.compare("1") )


此外,如果您使用std::vector,您可以在C ++中轻松拥有动态大小的数组,您只需将项目推送到向量的背面即可。意味着您不需要对限制进行硬编码。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  • 第107行:if(num4 = 0)(赋值运算符)应为if(num4 == 0)(等于运算符)。
  • 第260行:cin >> mainselection之后你遗漏了一个分号。
  • 第261行:if(mainselection == 1)非法,mainselectionstd::string
  • 第284行:if(makeselection == "2") main();不允许在C ++中递归调用main()函数。