如何在boost python中公开一个带有变量参数的c ++函数

时间:2014-07-25 09:14:50

标签: python c++ boost boost-python variadic-functions

我有一个c ++函数,它接受可变数量的参数。

   char const* Fun(int num, ...)
   ....//does some processing on the arguments passed


    using namespace boost::python;
    BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE( lib_boost )
       def( "Fun", Fun );



在/boost_1_42_0/boost/python/data_members.hpp:15中包含的文件中,                    来自/boost_1_42_0/boost/python/class.hpp:17,                    来自/boost_1_42_0/boost/python.hpp:18,                    来自Lib_boost.h:3,                    来自Lib_boost.cpp:1:/boost_1_42_0/boost/python/make_function.hpp:在功能中   'boost :: python :: api :: object boost :: python :: make_function(F)[with F =   const char *()(int,...)]':/ boost_1_42_0/boost/python/def.hpp:82:
  从'boost :: python :: api :: object实例化   boost :: python :: detail :: make_function1(T,...)[with T = const char
  ()(int,...)]'/ boost_1_42_0/boost/python/def.hpp:91:实例化   来自'void boost :: python :: def(const char ,Fn)[with Fn = const char *   ()(int,...)]'Lib_boost.cpp:540:从这里实例化   /boost_1_42_0/boost/python/make_function.hpp:104:错误:无效   从'const char )(int,...)'转换为'const char   ()(int)/boost_1_42_0/boost/python/make_function.hpp:104:错误:
  初始化'boost :: mpl :: vector2的参数1   boost :: python :: detail :: get_signature(RT(
)(T0),void *)[with RT =   const char *,T0 = int]'

我对上面的错误信息的理解是boost python无法识别带有变量参数的函数(从'const char *()(int,...)'到'const char 的无效转换(*)(int)的')

对于采用可变参数的函数,公开具有固定/已知参数集的函数是不同的。 如何使用变量参数公开函数?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我发现处理可变参数的最佳方法是使用raw_function。这样您就可以完全控制将C ++参数转换为Python对象:


using namespace boost::python;

object fun(tuple args, dict kwargs)
    char* returned_value;

    for(int i = 0; i < len(args); ++i) {
        // Extract the args[i] into a C++ variable,
        // build up your argument list

    // build your parameter list from args and kwargs 
    // and pass it to your variadic c++ function

    return str(returned_value);


def("fun", raw_function(fun, 1) );


答案 1 :(得分:1)

如果您使用的是c ++ 11,则可以使用以下内容(在g ++ - 4.8.2上测试)

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/list.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cassert>

using namespace boost::python;

template <int... Indices>
struct indices
    using next = indices<Indices..., sizeof...(Indices)>;

template <int N>
struct build_indices
    using type = typename build_indices<N-1>::type::next;

template <>
struct build_indices<0>
    using type = indices<>;
template <int N>
using BuildIndices = typename build_indices<N>::type;

template <int num_args>
class unpack_caller
    template <typename FuncType, int... I>
    char * call(FuncType &f, std::vector<char*> &args, indices<I...>)
        return f(args.size(), args[I]...);

    template <typename FuncType>
    char * operator () (FuncType &f, std::vector<char*> &args)
        assert( args.size() <= num_args );
        return call(f, args, BuildIndices<num_args>{});

//This is your function that you wish to call from python
char * my_func( int a, ... )
    //do something ( this is just a sample )
    static std::string ret;

    va_list ap;
    va_start (ap, a);
    for( int i = 0; i < a; ++i)
        ret += std::string( va_arg (ap, char * ) );

    va_end (ap);
    return (char *)ret.c_str();

std::string my_func_overload( list & l )
    extract<int> str_count( l[0] );
    if( str_count.check() )
        int count = str_count();
        std::vector< char * > vec;
        for( int index = 1; index <= count; ++index )
            extract< char * > str( l[index] );
            if( str.check() )
                //extract items from list and build vector
                vec.push_back( str() );
        //maximum 20 arguments will be processed.
        unpack_caller<20> caller;

        return std::string( caller( my_func, vec ) );

    return std::string("");

    def("my_func", my_func_overload )


Python 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:38) 
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
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>>> import my_module as m
>>> m.my_func([5, "my", " first", " five", " string", " arguments"])
'my first five string arguments'

在这个例子中&#34; char * my_func(int a,...)&#34;简单地连接所有字符串参数并返回结果字符串。

答案 2 :(得分:0)
