
时间:2014-07-24 04:06:33

标签: javascript dygraphs



Portion of an JS associative array used to map labels to the y-axis.


Initial view of the chart, with a y-axis range of ~600 km.

Intermediate zoom, displaying three four on the y-axis.

Zoomed in on Lock 9.  Here, and only at this scale, I want to display the indivdual detectors ('D1', 'D2', etc.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

解决方案是在Dygraphs自动收报机选项中加入自动收录器生成器/修改器功能,并在每次重绘图形时将该函数传递给我想要测试的参数。在我的应用程序中,我通过并在 yAxisRange()中测试适当的小间隔,但在下面的简单示例中,我仅测试y的 isZoomed 状态。轴。

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="http://dygraphs.com/dygraph-combined.js"></script>
   <div id="dgraphChartContainer" style="width:800px; height:600px;border:2px solid;border-radius:5px;"></div>
   <script type="text/javascript">
      //Define global variables
      var myLocationTable =
                ["            D1",1001],
                ["            D2",1002],
                ["Station #1 ---",1002.5],
                ["            D3",1003],
                ["            D4",1004],

                ["            D1",2001],
                ["            D2",2002],
                ["Station #2 ---",2002.5],
                ["            D3",2003],
                ["            D4",2004],

                ["            D1",3001],
                ["            D2",3002],
                ["Station #3 ---",3002.5],
                ["            D3",3003],
                ["            D4",3004]

        function makeTickerList(isZoomed) {
         var myTempArray = [];
         var myTempObject = {};
         for (var i=0; i < myLocationTable.length; i++) {
                if (isZoomed) {
                    myTempObject = {
                        v: myLocationTable[i][1],
                        label: myLocationTable[i][0]
                } else {
                    myTempObject = {
                        v: myLocationTable[i][1],
                        label: (myLocationTable[i][0]).slice(0,-2)
         return myTempArray;

        var vGraph = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("dgraphChartContainer"),
            [ new Date("2010/09/30 21:00:00"),null,null,null ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/01 03:00:00"),1001,2003,3004 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/01 09:00:00"),1002,2001,3003 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/01 15:00:00"),1003,2002,3002 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/01 21:00:00"),1004,2004,3001 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/02 03:00:00"),2001,3001,2004 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/02 09:00:00"),2002,3002,2003 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/02 15:00:00"),2003,3003,2002 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/02 21:00:00"),2004,3004,2001 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/03 03:00:00"),3001,1004,1004 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/03 09:00:00"),3002,1002,1003 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/03 15:00:00"),3003,1003,1002 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/03 21:00:00"),3004,1004,1001 ],
            [ new Date("2010/10/04 03:00:00"),null,null,null ]
            { //options
                labels: ["Event Date","Me","Myself","Irene"],
                axes: {
                         y: {
                         ticker: function(min, max, pixels, opts, dygraph, vals) {
                             return makeTickerList(dygraph.isZoomed("y"));
                         } //ticker closure
                        } //y-axis closure
                },  //end of axes declarations
                title: "Dynamic Y-Axis Ticker Test",
            strokeWidth: 2,
                yAxisLabelWidth: 110
            }  //options closure
        );  // end of dygraph declaration

当完整绘制图形时,仅显示“Station#x - ”刻度标签,但当用户放大y轴时,显示每个工作站的所有五个刻度的完整标签。这是JSFiddle
