
时间:2014-07-24 03:24:33

标签: android google-play-games android-snapshot

我正在尝试使用新的Saved Games (Snapshot) API


java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'boolean com.google.android.gms.games.snapshot.Snapshot.writeBytes(byte[])' on a null object reference


Snapshot snapshot = new Snapshot();

// Save the snapshot.
SnapshotMetadataChange metadataChange
        = new SnapshotMetadataChange.Builder()
        .setDescription("Completed %" + (levelscompleted/totallevels) + " of levels.")
Games.Snapshots.commitAndClose(getApiClient(), snapshot,

我正在试图弄清楚如何初始化快照因为= new Snapshot(); 不起作用

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

Snapshot API在您必须执行的操作方面非常具体。以下是快照保存的高级过程:

  • 打开快照
  • 解决冲突
  • 保存

以下代码来自Google Play Games Snapshot sample,其中介绍了如何在Android和iOS上跨平台使用Snapshots。


 * Prepares saving Snapshot to the user's synchronized storage, conditionally resolves errors,
 * and stores the Snapshot.
void saveSnapshot() {
    AsyncTask<Void, Void, Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult> task =
            new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult>() {
                protected Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult doInBackground(Void... params) {
                    Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult result = Games.Snapshots.open(getApiClient(),
                            currentSaveName, true).await();
                    return result;

                protected void onPostExecute(Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult result) {
                    Snapshot toWrite = processSnapshotOpenResult(result, 0);

                    Log.i(TAG, writeSnapshot(toWrite));



 * Conflict resolution for when Snapshots are opened.
 * @param result The open snapshot result to resolve on open.
 * @return The opened Snapshot on success; otherwise, returns null.
Snapshot processSnapshotOpenResult(Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult result, int retryCount){
    Snapshot mResolvedSnapshot = null;
    int status = result.getStatus().getStatusCode();

    Log.i(TAG, "Save Result status: " + status);

    if (status == GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_OK) {
        return result.getSnapshot();
    } else if (status == GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_SNAPSHOT_CONTENTS_UNAVAILABLE) {
        return result.getSnapshot();
    } else if (status == GamesStatusCodes.STATUS_SNAPSHOT_CONFLICT){
        Snapshot snapshot = result.getSnapshot();
        Snapshot conflictSnapshot = result.getConflictingSnapshot();

        // Resolve between conflicts by selecting the newest of the conflicting snapshots.
        mResolvedSnapshot = snapshot;

        if (snapshot.getMetadata().getLastModifiedTimestamp() <
            mResolvedSnapshot = conflictSnapshot;

        Snapshots.OpenSnapshotResult resolveResult = Games.Snapshots.resolveConflict(
                getApiClient(), result.getConflictId(), mResolvedSnapshot)

        if (retryCount < MAX_SNAPSHOT_RESOLVE_RETRIES){
            return processSnapshotOpenResult(resolveResult, retryCount);
            String message = "Could not resolve snapshot conflicts";
            Log.e(TAG, message);
            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);

    // Fail, return null.
    return null;

以下代码是如何在the Google Play Games Snapshots sample app中完成的:

 * Generates metadata, takes a screenshot, and performs the write operation for saving a
 * snapshot.
private String writeSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot){
    // Set the data payload for the snapshot.

    // Save the snapshot.
    SnapshotMetadataChange metadataChange = new SnapshotMetadataChange.Builder()
            .setDescription("Modified data at: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime())
    Games.Snapshots.commitAndClose(getApiClient(), snapshot, metadataChange);
    return snapshot.toString();

答案 1 :(得分:0)



 Snapshot snapshot = result.getSnapshot();

所以我认为,你的onActivityResult会得到null / false响应。如果没有,则按照loadFromSnapshot()文档中给出的相同步骤进行操作。