我的查询在只有要返回的类别时工作正常,但只要有多个我收到Sequence contains more than one element
错误消息。我想返回所有相关类别。所以我将DTO中的PostCategory从字符串更改为List,这就是我得到了转换错误。我还尝试将其更改为IList(of String)
和IList(of be_Category)
Public Function SelectByID(id As Integer) As PostDTO Implements IPostRepository.SelectByID
Dim post As New PostDTO
Using db As Ctx = New Ctx
post = From ca In db.be_Categories
Join c In db.be_PostCategory On ca.CategoryID Equals (c.CategoryID)
Join p In db.be_Posts On c.PostID Equals (p.PostID)
Where p.PostRowID = id
Select New PostDTO With {
.PostCategory = ca.CategoryName,
.PostDateCreated = p.DateCreated,
.PostGuid = p.PostID,
.PostId = p.PostRowID,
.PostText = p.PostContent,
.PostTitle = p.Title}).Single
End Using
Return post
End Function
- 但都没有效果。
DTO在下面 - 如果PostCategory是一个字符串,那么我可以将一个类别返回到视图。我希望我已经清楚地解释了它。
Public Class PostDTO
Public PostId As Integer
Public PostGuid As Guid
Public PostTitle As String
Public PostSummary As String
Public PostText As String
Public PostDateCreated As DateTime
Public PostIsPublished As Boolean
Public PostCategory As IList(Of be_PostCategory)
End Class
编辑: 更新了SelectById:
Public Function SelectByID(id As Integer) As IEnumerable(Of PostDTO) Implements IPostRepository.SelectByID
Dim post As IEnumerable(Of PostDTO)
Using db As Ctx = New Ctx
post = From ca In db.be_Categories
Join c In db.be_PostCategory On ca.CategoryID Equals (c.CategoryID)
Join p In db.be_Posts On c.PostID Equals (p.PostID)
Where p.PostRowID = id
Select New PostDTO With {
.PostCategory = ca.CategoryName,
.PostDateCreated = p.DateCreated,
.PostGuid = p.PostID,
.PostId = p.PostRowID,
.PostText = p.PostContent,
.PostTitle = p.Title}).ToList
End Using
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Dim result As IEnumerable(Of PostDTO) = From ca In db.be_Categories ...
或类似的那样。如果您只期望一个结果(即Select Top 1 ...
是那个,对吗?)。如the MSDN documentation所示,您将返回DbQuery(Of PostDTO)
,这是LINQ to Entities查询针对DbContext
Public Class DbQuery(Of TResult) _
Implements IOrderedQueryable(Of TResult), IQueryable(Of TResult), _
IEnumerable(Of TResult), IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable, IEnumerable, _
IListSource, IDbAsyncEnumerable(Of TResult), IDbAsyncEnumerable
IEnumberable(Of TResult)
,在你的情况下TResult是一个PostDTO,你可以强制转换为结果,providing a lot of functionality就像进一步查询,排序,获得平均值,最大值,最小值,希望这可以解决它。
post = From ca In db.be_Categories
Join c In db.be_PostCategory On ca.CategoryID Equals (c.CategoryID)
Join p In db.be_Posts On c.PostID Equals (p.PostID)
Where p.PostRowID = id
Select New PostDTO With {
.PostCategory = Nothing,
.PostDateCreated = p.DateCreated,
.PostGuid = p.PostID,
.PostId = p.PostRowID,
.PostText = p.PostContent,
.PostTitle = p.Title}).FirstOrDefault()
post.PostCategory = (From ca In db.be_Categories
Join c In db.be_PostCategory On ca.CategoryID Equals (c.CategoryID)
Where p.PostRowID = id
Select ca.CategoryName).ToList()