
时间:2014-07-23 08:39:23

标签: javascript jquery html json grep

我在高图表中使用json数据作为我的图表。在这里,我还使用了具有y轴值的范围滑块。我使用grep函数来过滤提供给图表的json数据,我得到了滑块结束区域的值。并且我在grep中应用它来过滤我的json数据,以便在滑块范围变化时重绘图表。在这里,我想使用jquery小部件绑定conecpt来绑定我的过滤的json数据,以便绘制新的图表。我怎么能实现那个.. ??任何想法..我被困在那里。请帮我。并且有可能如果用户想要更改图表类型..我怎么能实现这一点...请帮助我的朋友..我怎样才能使用jquery widget绑定conecpt来绑定我过滤的json数据以便绘制新图表


        <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
        <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
        <script src="http://blacklabel.github.io/grouped_categories/grouped-categories.js "></script>
        <div class="chart-container" id="chart-more"></div>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../Chart_with _slider/slider.css">
        <script src="../Chart_with _slider/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
        <script src="../Chart_with _slider/jquery-ui.js"></script>
        var Report;
        function Test()
                chart: {
                    borderWidth: 5,
                    borderColor: '#e8eaeb',
                    borderRadius: 0,
                    backgroundColor: '#f7f7f7'
                title: {
                    style: {
                        'fontSize': '1em'
                    useHTML: true,
                    x: -27,
                    y: 8,
                    text: 'Report'

            Report = [
    "Name": "Sam",
    "Month": "January",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 20,
    "Leave": 1
}, {
    "Name": "Sam",
    "Month": "February",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 20,
    "Leave": 1
    "Name": "Sam",
    "Month": "March",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 15,
    "Leave": 6
    "Name": "Sam",
    "Month": "April",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 19,
    "Leave": 2
    "Name": "Sam",
    "Month": "May",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 20,
    "Leave": 1
    "Name": "David",
    "Month": "January",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 21,
    "Leave": 0
    "Name": "David",
    "Month": "February",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 20,
    "Leave": 1
    "Name": "David",
    "Month": "March",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 19,
    "Leave": 2
    "Name": "David",
    "Month": "April",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 21,
    "Leave": 0
    "Name": "David",
    "Month": "May",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 21,
    "Leave": 0
    "Name": "John",
    "Month": "January",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 16,
    "Leave": 5
    "Name": "John",
    "Month": "February",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 12,
    "Leave": 9
    "Name": "John",
    "Month": "March",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 20,
    "Leave": 1
    "Name": "John",
    "Month": "April",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 15,
    "Leave": 6
    "Name": "John",
    "Month": "May",
    "WorkingDays": 21,
    "Attendance": 21,
    "Leave": 0
            var newSeriesWorkingDays = {
                name: 'WorkingDays',
                data: []
            var newSeriesAttendance = {
                name: 'Attendance',
                data: []
            var newSeriesLeave = {
                name: 'Leave',
                data: []
            var userNames = [];
            var userNameMonths = [];
            $.each(Report, function (index, User) {debugger;
                // get the series
                // Get the usernames
                if (userNames[User.Name]) {
                    if (userNames[User.Name]['months']) {
                        userNames[User.Name]['months'][User.Month] = User.Month;
                } else {
                    userNames[User.Name] = {
                        'months': []
                    userNames[User.Name]['months'][User.Month] = User.Month;
            var newCategories = [];
                for (var name in userNames) {
                    if (userNames.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                        var tempObj = {}
                        tempObj.name = name;
                        tempMonths = userNames[name]['months'].sort();
                        tempObj.categories = [];
                        for (var month in tempMonths) {
                                name: month

            window.chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
                chart: {
                    renderTo: "chart-more",
                    type: "column"
                series: [newSeriesWorkingDays, newSeriesAttendance, newSeriesLeave],
                xAxis: {
                    categories: newCategories
$(function() {
    $( "#slider-range" ).slider({
      range: true,
      min: 0,
      max: 30,
      values: [ 0, 30 ],
      slide: function( event, ui ) {
        var a = (  + ui.values[ 0 ]);
        var b = (  + ui.values[ 1 ]);
        //alert("The chart is being redrawn");
        var  flterData = filterDate(a, b);
        //slider change function
        function filterDate(a, b) {
            Report = jQuery.grep(Report, function(element, index){debugger;
            return element.WorkingDays > a && element.Attendance > a && element.Leave > a &&
                   element.WorkingDays < b && element.Attendance < b && element.Leave < b ;
             // retain appropriate elements
        <div class="chart-container" id="chart-more"></div>
        <div id="slider-range"style="width:300px;border:1px solid red;">

            <input type="text" id="startValue" readonly style="border:0; color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold;">
            <input type="text" id="endValue" readonly style="border:0; color:#f6931f; font-weight:bold;">

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