
时间:2014-07-22 17:11:01

标签: string go

我想替换字符串中特定索引处的字母:aaaaaaa - > aaabaaa。有没有内置的方法来做到这一点?我编写了以下辅助函数来同时使用:

func main() {
    input := "aaaaaaa"
    output := replaceAtIndex(input, 'b', 3)

func replaceAtIndex(input string, replacement byte, index int) string {
    return strings.Join([]string{input[:index], string(replacement), input[index+1:]}, "")

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:18)


@ chendesheng的解决方案是半正确的,除了你可以使用rune而不是byte,这样它也可以用于unicode。

func replaceAtIndex(in string, r rune, i int) string {
    out := []rune(in)
    out[i] = r
    return string(out)


答案 1 :(得分:14)

两个答案( OneOfOne DenysSéguret)都是正确的。我只想展示它们之间的性能差异(当字符串很大时这是非常明显的)。

事实证明,使用 str [:index] + string(替换)+ str [index + 1:] 会更快。


package main
import (

func replaceAtIndex1(str string, replacement rune, index int) string {
    out := []rune(str)
    out[index] = replacement
    return string(out)

func replaceAtIndex2(str string, replacement rune, index int) string {
    return str[:index] + string(replacement) + str[index+1:]

func generateString(n int) string{
    s := ""
    for i := 0; i < n; i++{
        s += "a"
    return s

func BenchmarkSmall1(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex1(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkSmall2(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex2(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkMedium1(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex1(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkMedium2(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex2(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkBig1(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex1(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkBig2(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex2(str, replacement, index)

func main(){}


BenchmarkSmall1-4   10000000           228 ns/op
BenchmarkSmall2-4   10000000           126 ns/op
BenchmarkMedium1-4    500000          2091 ns/op
BenchmarkMedium2-4  10000000           190 ns/op
BenchmarkBig1-4        10000        209232 ns/op
BenchmarkBig2-4       500000          3629 ns/op

答案 2 :(得分:8)


return input[:index] + string(replacement) + input[index+1:]

答案 3 :(得分:2)


package main                                                                                                                                                                                                

import (                                                                                                                                                                                                    

// We should do this because by default strings in Go are read-only.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
func mprotect(ptr uintptr, w bool) {                                                                                                                                                                        
    // Need to avoid "EINVAL addr is not a valid pointer,
    // or not a multiple of PAGESIZE."                                                                                                                   
    start := ptr & ^(uintptr(syscall.Getpagesize() - 1))                                                                                                                                                    

    prot := syscall.PROT_READ                                                                                                                                                                               
    if w {                                                                                                                                                                                                  
        prot |= syscall.PROT_WRITE                                                                                                                                                                          

    _, _, err := syscall.Syscall(                                                                                                                                                                           
        start, uintptr(syscall.Getpagesize()),                                                                                                                                                              
    if err != 0 {                                                                                                                                                                                           

// This function is very, very very very unsafe.                                                                                                                                                            
// Nowhere and never use it!                                                                                                                                                                                
func replaceAtIndex(s string, b byte, i int) {                                                                                                                                                              
    h := *(*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))                                                                                                                                                       

    mprotect(h.Data, true)                                                                                                                                                                                  
    defer mprotect(h.Data, false)                                                                                                                                                                           

    *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(h.Data + uintptr(i))) = b                                                                                                                                                       

func main() {                                                                                                                                                                                               
    h := "Hello, playground"                                                                                                                                                                                
    replaceAtIndex(h, 'x', 0)                                                                                                                                                                               

永远不要尝试在代码中的某处使用它。 它比上面的任何标准解决方案或示例慢,而且更不安全。 =)


答案 4 :(得分:0)

我采用了萨尔瓦多的基准,并添加了strings.Join()。他的答案仍然正确-假设您想保留原始字符串,str[:index] + string(replacement) + str[index+1:]是大型字符串的最快选择。 strings.Join()非常适合小字符串,非常适合大字符串。我还添加了包含更大字符串的测试,以查看strings.Join()在任何时候是否变得更快-似乎没有。


  • 一个可以复制,因此它不会修改原始字符串,并且具有非常有趣的性能结果-小字符串更快,中型字符串更快,大字符串更慢
  • 另一个只是做一个可变的字符串,而且毫无疑问,对于所有目的,它都大大加快了速度,并且可以恒定的时间运行,但需要注意的是原始字符串已被修改。



package main
import (

func replaceAtIndex1(str string, replacement rune, index int) string {
    out := []rune(str)
    out[index] = replacement
    return string(out)

func replaceAtIndex2(str string, replacement rune, index int) string {
    return str[:index] + string(replacement) + str[index+1:]

func replaceAtIndex3(str string, replacement rune, index int) string {
    return strings.Join([]string{str[:index], str[index + 1:]}, string(replacement))

func strToBytes(str string) []byte {
    string_header := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&str))
    bytes_header := &reflect.SliceHeader{
        Data : string_header.Data,
        Len : string_header.Len,
        Cap : string_header.Len,
    return *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(bytes_header))

func strToBytesCopy(str string) []byte {
    bytes_unsafe := strToBytes(str)
    bytes := make([]byte, len(bytes_unsafe))
    copy(bytes, bytes_unsafe)
    return bytes

func bytesToStr(bytes []byte) string {
    bytes_header := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
    string_header := &reflect.StringHeader{
        Data : bytes_header.Data,
        Len : bytes_header.Len,
    return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(string_header))

func replaceAtIndex4(str string, replacement rune, index int) string {
    bytes := strToBytesCopy(str)
    bytes[index] = byte(replacement)
    return bytesToStr(bytes)

func replaceAtIndex5(str string, replacement rune, index int) string {
    bytes := strToBytes(str)
    bytes[index] = byte(replacement)
    return bytesToStr(bytes)

func generateString(n int) string{
    var b strings.Builder
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    return b.String()

func BenchmarkSmall1(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex1(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkSmall2(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex2(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkSmall3(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex3(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkSmall4(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex4(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkSmall5(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex5(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkMedium1(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex1(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkMedium2(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex2(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkMedium3(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex3(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkMedium4(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex4(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkMedium5(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex5(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkBig1(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex1(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkBig2(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex2(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkBig3(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex3(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkBig4(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex4(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkBig5(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex5(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkHuge2(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex2(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkHuge3(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex3(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkHuge4(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex4(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkHuge5(b *testing.B) {
    n := 100000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex5(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkGargantuan2(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex2(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkGargantuan3(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex3(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkGargantuan4(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex4(str, replacement, index)

func BenchmarkGargantuan5(b *testing.B) {
    n := 10000000
    str, index, replacement := generateString(n), n / 2, 'B'

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        replaceAtIndex5(str, replacement, index)

func main(){}


BenchmarkSmall1-8           20000000            99.9 ns/op
BenchmarkSmall2-8           50000000            29.5 ns/op
BenchmarkSmall3-8           20000000            58.1 ns/op
BenchmarkSmall4-8           50000000            32.0 ns/op
BenchmarkSmall5-8           1000000000           2.93 ns/op
BenchmarkMedium1-8           1000000          1034 ns/op
BenchmarkMedium2-8          20000000            68.4 ns/op
BenchmarkMedium3-8          20000000            78.8 ns/op
BenchmarkMedium4-8          30000000            49.3 ns/op
BenchmarkMedium5-8          1000000000           3.02 ns/op
BenchmarkBig1-8                20000         89557 ns/op
BenchmarkBig2-8              1000000          1204 ns/op
BenchmarkBig3-8              1000000          1257 ns/op
BenchmarkBig4-8              1000000          1200 ns/op
BenchmarkBig5-8             1000000000           2.93 ns/op
BenchmarkHuge2-8              200000         10260 ns/op
BenchmarkHuge3-8              200000          9908 ns/op
BenchmarkHuge4-8              100000         13628 ns/op
BenchmarkHuge5-8            1000000000           2.99 ns/op
BenchmarkGargantuan2-8          2000        822881 ns/op
BenchmarkGargantuan3-8          2000        807522 ns/op
BenchmarkGargantuan4-8          1000       2148387 ns/op
BenchmarkGargantuan5-8      1000000000           2.96 ns/op