
时间:2014-07-22 16:45:09

标签: c++ destructor




// ConsoleApplication1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class MyFancyInt
    // A constructor that inputs a value for initialization, so that line /*1*/ makes sense.
    MyFancyInt(int x) : myValue(new int(x))// The part after the : initializes myValue to point to the newly created int with value x.
        cout << "Constructor that initializes with myValue = " << x << endl;

        cout << "A MyFancyInt destroyed that had the myValue = "<< this->myValue<< " pointing to a "<< *(this->myValue) << endl;
        //delete myValue;

    //A 'Copy Constructor', so that line /*3*/ makes sense. Aparently C++ creates default copy constructors.
    //A copy constructor input an already existing MyFancyInt, creates a new MyFancyInt and initializes it with the data of the former.
    MyFancyInt(MyFancyInt& x)
        myValue = x.myValue;

    //The construtor without parameters already given in the exercise.
        cout << "Default constructor" << endl;
        myValue = 0;

    // Friend function to overload the operator +. This one takes two MyFancyInt. It is not needed. It can be commented out.
    friend MyFancyInt operator+(MyFancyInt &x, MyFancyInt &y);

    // Friend function to overload the operator +. This one takes an int and a MyFancyInt. It is needed for line /*6*/.
    friend MyFancyInt operator+(int x, MyFancyInt &y);

    // Friend function to overload the operator +. This one takes a MyFancyInt and an int. It is needed for line /*5*/.
    friend MyFancyInt operator+(MyFancyInt &x, int y);

    // Friend function to overload the output stream operator <<. It is needed for the printing in line /*7*/.
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const MyFancyInt& x);

    // Overloading the operator =. It is needed for line /*2*/, /*5*/, and /*6*/.
    MyFancyInt& operator=(const MyFancyInt &x);
    int* myValue;


MyFancyInt operator+(MyFancyInt &x, MyFancyInt &y)
    cout << "MyFancyInt + MyFancyInt = " << x.myValue << " + " << y.myValue << "= " << *(x.myValue) << " + " << *(y.myValue) << endl;
    MyFancyInt z=MyFancyInt(*(x.myValue) + *(y.myValue));
    cout << "= " << *(z.myValue) << endl;
    return z;
 MyFancyInt operator+(int x, MyFancyInt &y)
     cout << "int + MyFancyInt = " << x << " + " << y.myValue << " = " << x << " + " << *(y.myValue)<< endl;
     MyFancyInt z = MyFancyInt(x + *(y.myValue));
     cout << " = " << *(z.myValue) << endl;
     return z;
 MyFancyInt operator+(MyFancyInt &x, int y)
     cout << "MyFancyInt + int = " << x.myValue << " + " << y << " = " << *(x.myValue) << " + " << y << endl;
     MyFancyInt z = MyFancyInt(*(x.myValue) + y);
     cout << " = " << *(z.myValue) << endl;
     return z;

 ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const MyFancyInt& x)
     os << *(x.myValue);
     return os;

 MyFancyInt& MyFancyInt::operator=(const MyFancyInt &x)
     cout << "Entering the assigment operator." << endl;
     myValue = x.myValue;
     return *this;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    MyFancyInt mfi1(1);     /*1*/
    MyFancyInt mfi2 = mfi1; /*2*/
    MyFancyInt mfi3(mfi1);  /*3*/
    MyFancyInt mfi4;        /*4*/
    mfi4 = mfi3 + 2;        /*5*/
    mfi4 = 3 + mfi3;        /*6*/
    cout << mfi4 << endl;   /*7*/
    return 0;

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