
时间:2014-07-21 20:50:33

标签: performance loops excel-vba vba excel

我有 250.000行,我想删除col AR中0的所有行。这需要花费太多时间使用过滤器并仅删除可见单元格,因此我编写了一个代码。 1000线还需要1分钟。所以我将需要250分钟!除了前6分钟(6k行)后,AS3中的数字(见下面的代码)冻结,所以我不知道它是否还在运行。



Sub delrow()


With Sheets("bners")
LR3 = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i3 = 3 To LR3
    a = Sheets("bners").Range("AR" & i3).Value
    If a = 0 Then
    End If
Next i3
End With


End Sub


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

是的,绝对是Step -1。但是这一点能让它变得快吗? 这一次批量删除10(如果现在需要)。

Option Explicit
Dim ws as Range

Sub delrow1()
  Dim LR3&, i3&, a&
  Set ws = Sheets("bners")
  LR3 = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
  For i3 = LR3 To 3 Step -1
    a = ws.Cells(i3, "AR").Value
    If a = 0 Then
      Call delrow2(i3)
    End If
  Next i3
  Call delrow2(0) ' flush
End Sub

Sub delrow2(delRow&) ' deletes 10 rows at a time
  Static a1&(10), na1&
  Dim i1&, zRange As Range
  If delRow = 0 Then ' finish;end;flush
    For i1 = 1 To na1
    Next i1
    na1 = 0
  Else ' store row in array a1
    na1 = na1 + 1
    a1(na1) = delRow
    If na1 = 10 Then ' del 10 rows
      Set zRange = Union( _
        Rows(a1(1)), Rows(a1(2)), Rows(a1(3)), Rows(a1(4)), Rows(a1(5)), _
        Rows(a1(6)), Rows(a1(7)), Rows(a1(8)), Rows(a1(9)), Rows(a1(10)))
      na1 = 0
    End If
  End If

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Sub RowKiller()
    Dim F As Range, rKill As Range
    Set F = Range("A2:A250000")
    Set rKill = Nothing
    For Each r In F
        v = r.Text
        If InStr(1, v, "0") = 1 Then
            If rKill Is Nothing Then
                Set rKill = r
                Set rKill = Union(r, rKill)
            End If
        End If
    Next r

    If Not rKill Is Nothing Then
    End If
End Sub


答案 2 :(得分:0)

在示例中,您with sheets()完全无用,因为您忘记了每个点“。”在cellsrangerows之前。

我将尝试另一种方法,使用两个VBA阵列(未经过测试,可能存储器溢出)。 第一个数组是宏之前的原始数据。 第二个数组是宏


我不会删除行,我只是从第一个数组的好行写出第二个数组, 然后将其粘贴到工作表上

Sub RowKill()

'Declaring Variables :
Dim MaxRows as long   'number of lines in the First Array
Dim NewRows as Long   'number of lines in the Second Array
Dim q as long         'simple loop counter
Dim i as long         'simple loop counter , for the purpose of copying line
Dim Rg As Range       'Range of the original Data (number of lines = MaxRows-2, because the Original example code starts at 3, not 1)
Dim Sh as Worksheet
Dim Array1() as variant 'First VBA Array
Dim Array2() as variant 'Second VBA Array

with Application
end with

set Sh=thisworkbook.Sheets("bners")

with Sh
    MaxRows = .Range( .Rows.Count , 44).End(xlUp).Row ' note the .rows, and i read on cloumn 44 and not 1
    Set Rg = .Range( .cells(3,44) , .cells ( MaxRows,44) ) '44 is the column of .range("AR")
    'The Range Rg is important , later we delete the whole thing ^^
    Redim Array1 ( 1 to MaxRows, 1 to 44)  'Only if "AR" is your last column
    Array1 = Rg.value2 'if you work with dates or time format in your cells, please replace by : Array1 = Rg.value

    for q= 3 to MaxRows

        if Array1 (q , 44) <> 0 Then 'wasn't sure, because empty cells will trigger too, in wich case: <>"" would be better, or: If not IsEmpty( Array1 (q,44))    .....
            call CopyRowToSecondArray ( q , NewRows , Array2)
        End If

    next q

End With 'Sh

'Rg.delete  'old version

With Sh 
     .range ( .cells(1,1) , .cells (44 , NewRows).Value2 = Array2 ' again use .value, if you have date or time formating inside the data cells
     if NewRows<MaxRows then .range ( .cells(1,NewRows+1) , .cells (44 , MaxRows).Value2 = ""
End with

with Application
     .enableevents= True
     .screnupdating= True
end with

Set Rg = Nothing
Ser Sh = Nothing
Erase Array1, Array 2

End Sub

Sub CopyRowToSecondArray ( byval q as long , byref NewRows as long , byref Array2 as variant)
Dim i as long
Redim Preserve Array2 (1 to NewRows, 1 to 44)
for i = 1 to 44  'this entire for i loop, might be faster with unknown vba array function (i'm new), please share with me
     Array2 ( NewRows , i) = Array1 ( q , i )
next i
end sub


