
时间:2014-07-21 15:21:30

标签: soundcloud

对于越来越多的曲目,当我尝试从服务器获取streamUrl时,我收到404 Not found错误。以下是跟踪元数据的示例:

    "artwork_url" = "";
    "attachments_uri" = "";
    "comment_count" = 4;
    commentable = 1;
    "created_at" = "2014/07/20 09:44:24 +0000";
    description = "As premiered by Friction on BBC Radio 1 & 1Xtra.\n\nIt\U2019s time for some no nonsense drum & bass on MTA Records, courtesy of Mob Tactics with \U2018The Answer\U2019 EP. The duo seem to be a name on people\U2019s lips more and more of late. Already renowned for their own inimitable style of techy \U2013 yet very funky, dance-floor orientated drum & bass, the duo appear to be going from strength-to-strength with each release, and \U2018The Answer\U2019 EP takes them in to a musical world which they have not yet explored.\n\n\U2018The Answer\U2019 EP is set to turn some heads, with the tracks already firm staples in the sets of Chase & Status, Andy C & Friction to name but a few, and the demand for them on the DJ circuit is rapidly gaining momentum. \U2018The Answer\U2019 EP will be released as a Beatport exclusive 28th July.\n\nMob Tactics:\n\n\n";
    "download_count" = 0;
    downloadable = 0;
    duration = 248002;
    "embeddable_by" = all;
    "favoritings_count" = 43;
    genre = "Drum & Bass";
    id = 159486887;
    kind = track;
    license = "all-rights-reserved";
    "original_content_size" = 12521587;
    "original_format" = mp3;
    permalink = "mob-tactics-mirror-mirror-1";
    "permalink_url" = "";
    "playback_count" = 398;
    sharing = public;
    state = finished;
    "stream_url" = "";
    streamable = 1;
    "tag_list" = "";
    title = "Mob Tactics - Mirror Mirror";
    uri = "";
    user =     {
        "avatar_url" = "";
        id = 260041;
        kind = user;
        permalink = mtarecords;
        "permalink_url" = "";
        uri = "";
        username = "MTA Records";
    "user_favorite" = 0;
    "user_id" = 260041;
    "user_playback_count" = 1;
    "waveform_url" = "";


id obj = [SCRequest performMethod:SCRequestMethodGET
                      withAccount:[SCSoundCloud account]
           sendingProgressHandler:^(unsigned long long bytesSend, unsigned long long bytesTotal) {
               NSLog(@"%llu", bytesTotal / bytesSend);
                  responseHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *responseData, NSError *error) {
                      if (error) {
                          NSLog(@"%@ ->\n    %@", url, error.description);
                      } else {
                          NSSound *player = [[NSSound alloc] initWithData:responseData];
                          [delegate apiController:[APIController sharedController] didFinishWithPlayer:player];

我总是收到这个错误: ->
    Error Domain=NXOAuth2HTTPErrorDomain Code=404 "HTTP Error: 404" UserInfo=0x61800027a5c0 {NSLocalizedDescription=HTTP Error: 404}

令人遗憾的是,我无法收听一半的曲目,即使它们被标记为:streamable = 1;

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