注意类似的问题可以在以下位置找到: standard ml make bst out of a list
use "mllistr.txt";
datatype 'a BST = Nil | Node of 'a * 'a BST * 'a BST;
fun leftchild (Node(data,left,right)) = left
| leftchild Nil = raise Empty;
fun rightchild (Node(data,left,right)) = right
| rightchild Nil = raise Empty;
fun insert (x, Nil) = Node(x, Nil, Nil)
|insert (x, Node(y, left, right) ) =
if x<y then Node(y, insert(x,left), right)
else Node(y, left, insert(x, right) );
(*test this var is the tree unmade but as a list*)
fun makeTree ([], bst) = Empty
| makeTree ((x::xs), bst) = insert (x) (makeTree xs bst);
makeTree test Empty
Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch]
operator domain: (int * int BST) list * 'Z
operand: (int * int BST) list
in expression:
makeTree xs
stdIn:19.29-19.57 Error: operator is not a function [tycon mismatch]
operator: int BST
in expression:
(insert x) ((makeTree xs) bst)