
时间:2010-03-20 21:50:50

标签: c# .net string


我想通过字符串分隔符列表(例如123xx456yy789xx)拆分随机字符串(例如yy)并在结果中包含分隔符(这里: 123xx456yy789)。



  1. Gabe
  2. Guffa
  3. Mafu
  4. Regex
  5. 其他解决方案未经过测试,因为它们与其他解决方案相似或者来得太晚。


    class Program
        private static readonly List<Func<string, List<string>, List<string>>> Functions;
        private static readonly List<string> Sources;
        private static readonly List<List<string>> Delimiters;
        static Program ()
            Functions = new List<Func<string, List<string>, List<string>>> ();
            Functions.Add ((s, l) => s.SplitIncludeDelimiters_Gabe (l).ToList ());
            Functions.Add ((s, l) => s.SplitIncludeDelimiters_Guffa (l).ToList ());
            Functions.Add ((s, l) => s.SplitIncludeDelimiters_Naive (l).ToList ());
            Functions.Add ((s, l) => s.SplitIncludeDelimiters_Regex (l).ToList ());
            Sources = new List<string> ();
            Sources.Add ("");
            Sources.Add (Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ());
            string str = "";
            for (int outer = 0; outer < 10; outer++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                    str += i + "**" + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
                str += "-";
            Sources.Add (str);
            Delimiters = new List<List<string>> ();
            Delimiters.Add (new List<string> () { });
            Delimiters.Add (new List<string> () { "-" });
            Delimiters.Add (new List<string> () { "**" });
            Delimiters.Add (new List<string> () { "-", "**" });
        private class Result
            public readonly int FuncID;
            public readonly int SrcID;
            public readonly int DelimID;
            public readonly long Milliseconds;
            public readonly List<string> Output;
            public Result (int funcID, int srcID, int delimID, long milliseconds, List<string> output)
                FuncID = funcID;
                SrcID = srcID;
                DelimID = delimID;
                Milliseconds = milliseconds;
                Output = output;
            public void Print ()
                Console.WriteLine ("S " + SrcID + "\tD " + DelimID + "\tF " + FuncID + "\t" + Milliseconds + "ms");
                Console.WriteLine (Output.Count + "\t" + string.Join (" ", Output.Take (10).Select (x => x.Length < 15 ? x : x.Substring (0, 15) + "...").ToArray ()));
        static void Main (string[] args)
            var results = new List<Result> ();
            for (int srcID = 0; srcID < 3; srcID++) {
                for (int delimID = 0; delimID < 4; delimID++) {
                    for (int funcId = 3; funcId >= 0; funcId--) { // i tried various orders in my tests
                        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch ();
                        sw.Start ();
                        var func = Functions[funcId];
                        var src = Sources[srcID];
                        var del = Delimiters[delimID];
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
                            func (src, del);
                        var list = func (src, del);
                        sw.Stop ();
                        var res = new Result (funcId, srcID, delimID, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, list);
                        results.Add (res);
                        res.Print ();


    S 0     D 0     F 3     11ms
    S 0     D 0     F 2     7ms
    S 0     D 0     F 1     6ms
    S 0     D 0     F 0     4ms
    S 0     D 1     F 3     28ms
    S 0     D 1     F 2     8ms
    S 0     D 1     F 1     7ms
    S 0     D 1     F 0     3ms
    S 0     D 2     F 3     30ms
    S 0     D 2     F 2     8ms
    S 0     D 2     F 1     6ms
    S 0     D 2     F 0     3ms
    S 0     D 3     F 3     30ms
    S 0     D 3     F 2     10ms
    S 0     D 3     F 1     8ms
    S 0     D 3     F 0     3ms
    S 1     D 0     F 3     9ms
    1       9e5282ec-e2a2-4...
    S 1     D 0     F 2     6ms
    1       9e5282ec-e2a2-4...
    S 1     D 0     F 1     5ms
    1       9e5282ec-e2a2-4...
    S 1     D 0     F 0     5ms
    1       9e5282ec-e2a2-4...
    S 1     D 1     F 3     63ms
    9       9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37
    S 1     D 1     F 2     37ms
    9       9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37
    S 1     D 1     F 1     29ms
    9       9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37
    S 1     D 1     F 0     22ms
    9       9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37
    S 1     D 2     F 3     30ms
    1       9e5282ec-e2a2-4...
    S 1     D 2     F 2     10ms
    1       9e5282ec-e2a2-4...
    S 1     D 2     F 1     10ms
    1       9e5282ec-e2a2-4...
    S 1     D 2     F 0     12ms
    1       9e5282ec-e2a2-4...
    S 1     D 3     F 3     73ms
    9       9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37
    S 1     D 3     F 2     40ms
    9       9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37
    S 1     D 3     F 1     33ms
    9       9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37
    S 1     D 3     F 0     30ms
    9       9e5282ec - e2a2 - 4265 - 8276 - 6dbb50fdae37
    S 2     D 0     F 3     10ms
    1       0**634226552821...
    S 2     D 0     F 2     109ms
    1       0**634226552821...
    S 2     D 0     F 1     5ms
    1       0**634226552821...
    S 2     D 0     F 0     127ms
    1       0**634226552821...
    S 2     D 1     F 3     184ms
    21      0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226
    552821... - 0**634226552821... -
    S 2     D 1     F 2     364ms
    21      0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226
    552821... - 0**634226552821... -
    S 2     D 1     F 1     134ms
    21      0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226
    552821... - 0**634226552821... -
    S 2     D 1     F 0     517ms
    20      0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226552821... - 0**634226
    552821... - 0**634226552821... -
    S 2     D 2     F 3     688ms
    201     0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6
    34226552821217... **
    S 2     D 2     F 2     2404ms
    201     0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6
    34226552821217... **
    S 2     D 2     F 1     874ms
    201     0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6
    34226552821217... **
    S 2     D 2     F 0     717ms
    201     0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6
    34226552821217... **
    S 2     D 3     F 3     1205ms
    221     0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6
    34226552821217... **
    S 2     D 3     F 2     3471ms
    221     0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6
    34226552821217... **
    S 2     D 3     F 1     1008ms
    221     0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6
    34226552821217... **
    S 2     D 3     F 0     1095ms
    220     0 ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 634226552821217... ** 6
    34226552821217... **


    • 所有4个功能都足够快,适合常用。
    • 天真的版本(也就是我最初写的)在计算时间方面是最糟糕的。
    • 正则表达式在小数据集上有点慢(可能是由于初始化开销)。
    • Regex在大数据方面做得很好,并且与非正则表达式解决方案的速度相似。
    • 表现最好的似乎是Guffa的整体版本,这可以从代码中预期。
    • Gabe的版本有时会省略一个项目,但我没有对此进行调查(错误?)。


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:44)


string input = "123xx456yy789";
string pattern = "(xx|yy)";
string[] result = Regex.Split(input, pattern);

如果从模式中删除括号,仅使用"xx|yy",则不会保留分隔符。如果使用在正则表达式中具有特殊含义的任何元字符,请务必在模式上使用Regex.Escape。字符包括\, *, +, ?, |, {, [, (,), ^, $,., #。例如,.的分隔符应该被转义\.。给定分隔符列表,您需要使用管道|符号“或”它们,并且这也是一个被转义的字符。要正确构建模式,请使用以下代码(感谢@gabe指出这一点):

var delimiters = new List<string> { ".", "xx", "yy" };
string pattern = "(" + String.Join("|", delimiters.Select(d => Regex.Escape(d))
                  + ")";



string input = "123xx456yy789";
// to reach the else branch set delimiters to new List();
var delimiters = new List<string> { ".", "xx", "yy", "()" }; 
if (delimiters.Count > 0)
    string pattern = "("
                     + String.Join("|", delimiters.Select(d => Regex.Escape(d))
                     + ")";
    string[] result = Regex.Split(input, pattern);
    foreach (string s in result)
    // nothing to split

如果您需要对分隔符进行不区分大小写的匹配,请使用RegexOptions.IgnoreCase选项:Regex.Split(input, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

编辑#2:到目前为止,解决方案与可能是较大字符串的子字符串的拆分令牌相匹配。如果拆分令牌应该完全匹配,而不是子串的一部分,例如句子中的单词用作分隔符的场景,则应在模式周围添加单词边界\b元字符。 / p>

例如,考虑这句话(是的,它是老生常谈):"Welcome to stackoverflow... where the stack never overflows!"

如果分隔符为{ "stack", "flow" },则当前解决方案将拆分“stackoverflow”并返回3个字符串{ "stack", "over", "flow" }。如果你需要一个完全匹配,那么这个分裂的唯一地方就是句子后面的“堆栈”而不是“stackoverflow”。


string pattern = @"\b("
                + String.Join("|", delimiters.Select(d => Regex.Escape(d)))
                + @")\b";


string pattern = @"\s*\b("
                + String.Join("|", delimiters.Select(d => Regex.Escape(d)))
                + @")\b\s*";

答案 1 :(得分:12)


    string source = "123xx456yy789";
    foreach (string delimiter in delimiters)
        source = source.Replace(delimiter, ";" + delimiter + ";");
    string[] parts = source.Split(';');

答案 2 :(得分:4)


public static List<string> Split(string searchStr, string[] separators)
    List<string> result = new List<string>();
    int length = searchStr.Length;
    int lastMatchEnd = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < separators.Length; j++)
            string str = separators[j];
            int sepLen = str.Length;
            if (((searchStr[i] == str[0]) && (sepLen <= (length - i))) && ((sepLen == 1) || (String.CompareOrdinal(searchStr, i, str, 0, sepLen) == 0)))
                result.Add(searchStr.Substring(lastMatchEnd, i - lastMatchEnd));
                i += sepLen - 1;
                lastMatchEnd = i + 1;
    if (lastMatchEnd != length)
    return result;

答案 3 :(得分:3)



string input = "123xx456yy789";
string[] delimiters = { "xx", "yy" };

int[] nextPosition = delimiters.Select(d => input.IndexOf(d)).ToArray();
List<string> result = new List<string>();
int pos = 0;
while (true) {
  int firstPos = int.MaxValue;
  string delimiter = null;
  for (int i = 0; i < nextPosition.Length; i++) {
    if (nextPosition[i] != -1 && nextPosition[i] < firstPos) {
      firstPos = nextPosition[i];
      delimiter = delimiters[i];
  if (firstPos != int.MaxValue) {
    result.Add(input.Substring(pos, firstPos - pos));
    pos = firstPos + delimiter.Length;
    for (int i = 0; i < nextPosition.Length; i++) {
      if (nextPosition[i] != -1 && nextPosition[i] < pos) {
        nextPosition[i] = input.IndexOf(delimiters[i], pos);
  } else {


答案 4 :(得分:2)


public IEnumerable<string> SplitX (string text, string[] delimiters)
    var split = text.Split (delimiters, StringSplitOptions.None);

    foreach (string part in split) {
        yield return part;
        text = text.Substring (part.Length);

        string delim = delimiters.FirstOrDefault (x => text.StartsWith (x));
        if (delim != null) {
            yield return delim;
            text = text.Substring (delim.Length);

答案 5 :(得分:1)


通过使用不安全的代码迭代源字符串可以加快速度,但这需要您自己编写迭代机制而不是使用yield return。 它分配绝对最小值(每个非分隔符令牌的子串加上包装枚举器),以便现实地提高您的性能:

  • 使用更加不安全的代码(通过使用'CompareOrdinal'我实际上是有效的)
    • 主要是为了避免使用char缓冲区对字符串进行字符查找的开销
  • 利用有关输入源或令牌的领域特定知识。
    • 您可能很乐意消除对分隔符的空检查
    • 您可能知道分隔符几乎不是单个字符


public static IEnumerable<string> SplitWithTokens(
    string str,
    string[] separators)
    if (separators == null || separators.Length == 0)
        yield return str;
        yield break;
    int prev = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
        foreach (var sep in separators)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sep))
                if (((str[i] == sep[0]) && 
                          (sep.Length <= (str.Length - i))) 
                    ((sep.Length == 1) || 
                    (string.CompareOrdinal(str, i, sep, 0, sep.Length) == 0)))
                    if (i - prev != 0)
                        yield return str.Substring(prev, i - prev);
                    yield return sep;
                    i += sep.Length - 1;
                    prev = i + 1;
    if (str.Length - prev > 0)
        yield return str.Substring(prev, str.Length - prev);

答案 6 :(得分:1)


    static void Split(string src, string[] delims, ref List<string> final)
        if (src.Length == 0)

        int endTrimIndex = src.Length;
        foreach (string delim in delims)
            //get the index of the first occurance of this delim
            int indexOfDelim = src.IndexOf(delim);
            //check to see if this delim is at the begining of src
            if (indexOfDelim == 0)
                endTrimIndex = delim.Length;
            //see if this delim comes before previously searched delims
            else if (indexOfDelim < endTrimIndex && indexOfDelim != -1)
                endTrimIndex = indexOfDelim;
        final.Add(src.Substring(0, endTrimIndex));
        Split(src.Remove(0, endTrimIndex), delims, ref final);