
时间:2014-07-19 02:37:53

标签: excel vba excel-vba


所以我有一个基于逗号(,)分割的单元格  我想计算某个角色的出现次数,然后在另一个单元格中显示该结果。在单列中的这些行的列中执行此操作。

ex:y,y,y,n,y =在单元格D6:4


I have also seen this bit of code but it get very complex very fast (link) so if someone could explain that one instead I would be very grateful.



    Private Sub CommandButton15_Click()

Dim Number As String
Dim Yoccur As Integer
Dim Noccur As Integer
Dim Notapp As Integer

Dim length As Integer
Dim current As String

Dim i As Integer

Dim Row As Integer

Do While Row < 84
For i = 1 To length

'parse data into a array here

'tempArr = Split(X(lngRow, 2), ",")
' would that work if I tried to split based on the comma?

If current = "y" Then Yoccur = Yoccur + 1
If current = "n" Then Noccur = Noccur + 1
If current = "n/a" Then Notapp = Notapp + 1

Next i


Range("d45").Value = Yoccur
Range("d46").Value = Noccur
Range("d47").Value = Notapp

End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  • 您的输入位于工作表的A列,跨越多行,两行之间没有空格,从第1行开始。
  • “y”的输出栏为D,“n”为E,“n / a”为F。

Private Sub CommandButton15_Click()

  Dim lastRow As Long
  Dim row As Long
  Dim c As Range
  Dim arr() As String
  Dim s As Variant
  Dim sumY As Long
  Dim sumN As Long
  Dim sumNA As Long

  ' This is the last row of your input in column A.
  lastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row

  For row = 1 To lastRow ' Loop all used rows
    sumY = 0 ' Reset for every loop.
    sumN = 0
    sumNA = 0

    Set c = Cells(row, 1)

    arr = Split(c, ",") ' Split the value in the cell (row, 1) on comma.

    ' For each string in the split array, do lower-case comparisons
    ' for "y", "n" and "n/a" and increment appropriate counters.
    For Each s In arr
      If LCase(s) = "y" Then
        sumY = sumY + 1
      ElseIf LCase(s) = "n" Then
        sumN = sumN + 1
      ElseIf LCase(s) = "n/a" Then
        sumNA = sumNA + 1
        MsgBox "Unknown value!" ' Sanity test if something is wrong with the input.
      End If

    ' Assign the sums of "y", "n" and "n/a" to columns 4, 5 and 6 (D, E and F).
    Cells(row, 4).Value = sumY
    Cells(row, 5).Value = sumN
    Cells(row, 6).Value = sumNA
  Next row

End Sub

我确定它不是“完美的”(它已经很晚了 - 或者很早 - 在这里!)但它应该有用,至少应该给你一些如何从这里开始的想法。



考虑到与上面相同的假设(您可以通过在代码的列索引中替换1到3来将列A更改为C列)以及如果我正确理解了有关换行符的注释,则以下代码现在不仅会计算每行的值,但将计算所有行中“y”,“n”和“n / a”的出现次数,并将结果放在单元格D1中为“y”,E1为“n”,F1为“ N / A”。

Private Sub CommandButton15_Click()

  Dim lastRow As Long
  Dim row As Long
  Dim c As Range
  Dim arr() As String
  Dim s As Variant
  Dim sumY As Long
  Dim sumN As Long
  Dim sumNA As Long

  ' This is the last row of your input in column A.
  lastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row

  For row = 1 To lastRow ' Loop all used rows
    Set c = Cells(row, 1)

    arr = Split(c, ",") ' Split the value in the cell (row, 1) on comma.

    ' For each string in the split array, do lower-case comparisons
    ' for "y", "n" and "n/a" and increment appropriate counters.
    For Each s In arr
      If LCase(s) = "y" Then
        sumY = sumY + 1
      ElseIf LCase(s) = "n" Then
        sumN = sumN + 1
      ElseIf LCase(s) = "n/a" Then
        sumNA = sumNA + 1
        MsgBox "Unknown value!" ' Sanity test if something is wrong with the input.
      End If
  Next row

  ' Assign the sums of "y", "n" and "n/a" to columns 4, 5 and 6 (D, E and F).
  Cells(1, 4).Value = sumY
  Cells(1, 5).Value = sumN
  Cells(1, 6).Value = sumNA

End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  1. 设置从D6到列D
  2. 中最后一次使用的单元格的范围
  3. 使用strV
  4. 将此范围内的所有值合并为一个字符串(Join
  5. 它通过从未改变的字符串长度中删除所有 y 字符的字符串长度减去A1中 y 值的数量(更多)详细解释如下)

    • [a1] = Len(strV) - Len(Replace(strV, "y", vbNullString)) y 值的数量放在A1
    • [a3] = (Len(strV) - Len(Replace(strV, "n/a", vbNullString))) / 3 n / a 值的数量放在A2中(需要/3才能计算删除3个字符的长度 n / 作为替代品)
    • [a2].Value = Len(strV) - Len(Replace(strV, "n", vbNullString)) - [a3].Value]计算 n 值的数量 - A3 n / a 值的数量(因为 n / a 包含 n
  6. enter image description here

    Sub QuickDump()
    Dim rng1 As Range
    Dim strV As String
    Set rng1 = Range([d6], Cells(Rows.Count, "d").End(xlUp))
    strV = Join(Application.Transpose(rng1.Value), ",")
    d = Filter(Application.Transpose(rng1.Value), "y", True, vbTextCompare)
    [a1] = Len(strV) - Len(Replace(strV, "y", vbNullString))
    [a3] = (Len(strV) - Len(Replace(strV, "n/a", vbNullString))) / 3
    [a2].Value = Len(strV) - Len(Replace(strV, "n", vbNullString)) - [a3].Value
    End Sub