
时间:2014-07-17 20:26:17

标签: perl hash max min


%Year = (
  2007 => {
    ID1  => 07,
    ID4  => 34,
    ID2  => 24,
    ID9  => 14,
    ID3  => 05,
  2008 => {
    ID7  => 11,
    ID9  => 64,
    ID10 => 20,
    ID5  => 13,
    ID8  => 22,

我想找到两个最小值和两个最大值以及每年的相应ID。可以使用List::Util qw (min max)完成吗?


2007 - max1:ID4,34 max2:ID2,24 min1:ID3,05 min2:ID1,07
2008 - max1:ID9,64 max2:ID10,20 min1:ID7,11 min2:ID5,13

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



ID7  => 11
ID5  => 13
ID10 => 20
ID8  => 22
ID9  => 64

所以max1max2ID9ID8,而min1min2ID7和{{ 1}}。但是您的问题是,您希望ID5max2,其值为20 - 正好在排序范围的中间。我认为ID10应该是max2,其值为22 - 2008哈希值中的第二大值。




use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

my %year = (
  2007 => { ID1  =>  7, ID2 => 24, ID3 =>  5, ID4 => 34, ID9 => 14 },
  2008 => { ID10 => 20, ID5 => 13, ID7 => 11, ID8 => 22, ID9 => 64 },

for my $year (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %year) {

  my $data = $year{$year};
  my @sorted_keys = sort { $data->{$a} <=> $data->{$b} } keys %$data;

  printf "%4d - max1:%s,%02d max2:%s,%02d min1:%s,%02d min2:%s,%02d\n",
      $year, map { $_ => $data->{$_} } @sorted_keys[-1,-2,0,1];

答案 1 :(得分:0)




通常,在对哈希进行排序时,您需要对键进行排序。但是,您可以在sort命令中指定子例程以更改Perl排序方式。 Perl将向您提供两个$a$b项,它们代表哈希的键。你弄清楚哪个是更大的,并将其传递给Perl。 Perl为您提供<=>数字和cmp非数字数据。

我所要做的就是指定sort { $array{$a} cmp $array{$b} } keys %array按数据排序,而不是键。我只是将排序的键扔到另一个数组中,然后使用索引定位来提取我想要的数据。

#! /usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie;
use feature qw(say);
use Data::Dumper;

my %year;

# Data
$year{2007}->{ID1} = "07";
$year{2007}->{ID2} = "24";
$year{2007}->{ID3} = "05";
$year{2007}->{ID4} = "34";
$year{2007}->{ID9} = "14";

$year{2008}->{ID7} = "11";
$year{2008}->{ID9} = "64";
$year{2008}->{ID10} = "20";
$year{2008}->{ID5} = "13";
$year{2008}->{ID8} = "22";

# For Each Year...
for my $year ( sort keys %year ) {
    print "$year - ";
    # No need to do this dereferencing, but it makes the rest of the code cleaner
    my %id_hash = %{ $year{$year} };
    # Now I sort my IDs by their data and not the key names
    my @keys = sort { $id_hash{$a} cmp $id_hash{$b} } keys %id_hash;
    # And print them out
    print "max1:$keys[-1],$id_hash{$keys[-1]} ";
    print "max2:$keys[-2],$id_hash{$keys[-2]} ";
    print "min1:$keys[0],$id_hash{$keys[0]}, ";
    print "min2:$keys[1],$id_hash{$keys[1]}\n";


2007 - max1:ID4,34 max2:ID2,24 min1:ID3,05, min2:ID1,07
2008 - max1:ID9,64 max2:ID8,22 min1:ID7,11, min2:ID5,13

答案 2 :(得分:0)


use strict;
use warnings;

my %Year = (
    2007 => { ID1  =>  7, ID2 => 24, ID3 =>  5, ID4 => 34, ID9 => 14 },
    2008 => { ID10 => 20, ID5 => 13, ID7 => 11, ID8 => 22, ID9 => 64 },

for my $year (keys %Year) {
    printf "%4d - max1:%s,%02d max2:%s,%02d min1:%s,%02d min2:%s,%02d\n", 
    map { $_, $Year{$year}{$_} } 
    ( sort { $Year{$year}{$b} <=> $Year{$year}{$a} } keys %{$Year{$year}} )[0,1,-1,-2];


2007 - max1:ID4,34 max2:ID2,24 min1:ID3,05 min2:ID1,07
2008 - max1:ID9,64 max2:ID8,22 min1:ID7,11 min2:ID5,13