
时间:2014-07-16 00:11:48

标签: java android sql date syntax-error


07-16 00:01:04.347: E/AndroidRuntime(1617): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
07-16 00:01:04.347: E/AndroidRuntime(1617): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{info.androidhive.slidingmenu/info.androidhive.slidingmenu.NoteList}: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column: date (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT _id, title, body, date FROM notes


import android.content.ContentValues;

import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.SQLException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
import android.util.Log;

public class NotesDbAdapter {

    public static final String KEY_TITLE = "title";
    public static final String KEY_DATE = "date";
    public static final String KEY_BODY = "body";
    public static final String KEY_ROWID = "_id";

    private static final String TAG = "NotesDbAdapter";
    private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper;
    private SQLiteDatabase mDb;

    private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = 
            "create table notes (_id integer primary key autoincrement, "
            + "title text not null, body text not null, date text not null);";

    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "data";
    private static final String DATABASE_TABLE = "notes";
    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2;

    private final Context mCtx;

    private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

        DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
            super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {


        public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Upgrading database from version " + oldVersion + " to "
                    + newVersion + ", which will destroy all old data");
            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS notes");

    public NotesDbAdapter(Context ctx) {
        this.mCtx = ctx;

    public NotesDbAdapter open() throws SQLException {
        mDbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(mCtx);
        mDb = mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
        return this;

    public void close() {

    public long createNote(String title, String body, String date) {
        ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();
        initialValues.put(KEY_TITLE, title);
        initialValues.put(KEY_BODY, body);
        initialValues.put(KEY_DATE, date);

        return mDb.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, initialValues);

    public boolean deleteNote(long rowId) {

        return mDb.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_ROWID + "=" + rowId, null) > 0;

    public Cursor fetchAllNotes() {

        return mDb.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ROWID, KEY_TITLE,
                KEY_BODY,KEY_DATE}, null, null, null, null, null);

    public Cursor fetchNote(long rowId) throws SQLException {

        Cursor mCursor =

            mDb.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ROWID,
                    KEY_TITLE, KEY_BODY,KEY_DATE}, KEY_ROWID + "=" + rowId, null,
                    null, null, null, null);
        if (mCursor != null) {
        return mCursor;


    public boolean updateNote(long rowId, String title, String body,String date) {
        ContentValues args = new ContentValues();
        args.put(KEY_TITLE, title);
        args.put(KEY_BODY, body);

        //This lines is added for personal reason
        args.put(KEY_DATE, date);

        //One more parameter is added for data
        return mDb.update(DATABASE_TABLE, args, KEY_ROWID + "=" + rowId, null) > 0;


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.app.AlertDialog;
import android.app.ListActivity;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.view.ContextMenu;
import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo;

public class NoteList extends ListActivity {

    private static final int ACTIVITY_CREATE=0;
    private static final int ACTIVITY_EDIT=1;

    private static final int DELETE_ID = Menu.FIRST;
    private int mNoteNumber = 1;

    private NotesDbAdapter mDbHelper;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mDbHelper = new NotesDbAdapter (this);
        Button addnote = (Button)findViewById(R.id.addnotebutton);
        addnote.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {     
            public void onClick(View v) {


    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.notelist_menu, menu);
        return true;        

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        switch (item.getItemId()) {
        case R.id.menu_about:

               AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(NoteList.this);
               dialog.setMessage("Hello! I'm Heng, the creator of this application. This application is created based on learning." +
                    " Used it on trading or any others activity that is related to business is strictly forbidden."
                       +"If there is any bug is found please freely e-mail me. "+
               dialog.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

                   public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

               return true;

                return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

    private void createNote() {
        Intent i = new Intent(this, NoteEdit.class);
        startActivityForResult(i, ACTIVITY_CREATE);     

    protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
        super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);
        Intent i = new Intent(this, NoteEdit.class);
        i.putExtra(NotesDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID, id);
        startActivityForResult(i, ACTIVITY_EDIT);

    private void fillData() {
        // Get all of the notes from the database and create the item list
        Cursor notesCursor = mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes();

        String[] from = new String[] { NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE ,NotesDbAdapter.KEY_DATE};
        int[] to = new int[] { R.id.text1 ,R.id.date_row};

        // Now create an array adapter and set it to display using our row
        SimpleCursorAdapter notes =
            new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.note_row, notesCursor, from, to);

    public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v,
            ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
        super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);
        menu.add(0, DELETE_ID, 0, R.string.menu_delete);

    public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        switch(item.getItemId()) {
            case DELETE_ID:
                AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo();
                return true;
        return super.onContextItemSelected(item);

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);



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