(def extensions [".mp3" ".wav" ".mp4" ".flac" ".aac"])
(defn valid? [file]
"returns true when the file is not a directory and ends in one of the specified extensions"
(and (not (.isDirectory file))
(some true? (map #(.endsWith (.getName file) %) extensions))))
(defn file->file+hash [file]
"returns a map of the filepath and the files md5"
{:hash (d/md5 file) :path (.getAbsolutePath file)})
(defn split [[x & more]]
{:unique (:path x) :other (vec (map :path more))})
(defn get-dictionary [file-directory]
"returns a map of maps, each of which contain a ':unique' file and a vector of ':other' files"
(let [files (filter valid? (file-seq (f/file file-directory)))]
(map split (vals (group-by :hash (pmap file->file+hash files))))))
(def location "/home/matt/Music/Playlists")
(prn (str "Files: " (count (file-seq (f/file location)))))
(time (get-dictionary location))
"Files: 2919"
"Elapsed time: 45948.444212 msecs"
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