
时间:2014-07-14 19:27:41

标签: haskell ghc


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts #-}

module Foo where

import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as M
import Data.Vector.Generic as V
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Primitive

data DimFun v m r = 
  DimFun {dim::Int, func :: v (PrimState m) r -> m ()}

runFun1 :: (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r) => 
  (forall m . (PrimMonad m) => DimFun (Mutable v) m r) -> v r -> v r
runFun1 (DimFun dim t) x | V.length x == dim = runST $ do
  y <- thaw x
  t y
  unsafeFreeze y

runFun2 :: (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r) => 
  (forall m . (PrimMonad m) => DimFun (Mutable v) m r) -> v r -> v r
runFun2 t x = runST $ do
  y <- thaw x
  evalFun t y
  unsafeFreeze y

evalFun :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v r) => DimFun v m r -> v (PrimState m) r -> m ()
evalFun (DimFun dim f) y | dim == M.length y = f y


Could not deduce (PrimMonad m0) arising from a pattern
from the context (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r)
  bound by the type signature for
             tfb :: (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r) =>
                    (forall (m :: * -> *). PrimMonad m => TensorFunc m r) -> v r -> v r
  at Testing/Foo.hs:(26,8)-(28,15)
The type variable ‘m0’ is ambiguous
Note: there are several potential instances:
  instance PrimMonad IO -- Defined in ‘Control.Monad.Primitive’
  instance PrimMonad (ST s) -- Defined in ‘Control.Monad.Primitive’
In the pattern: TensorFunc _ f
In an equation for ‘tfb’:
    tfb (TensorFunc _ f) x
      = runST
        $ do { y <- thaw x;
               f y;
               unsafeFreeze y }

Couldn't match type ‘m0’ with ‘ST s’
  because type variable ‘s’ would escape its scope
This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
  a type expected by the context: ST s (v r)
  at Testing/Foo.hs:(29,26)-(32,18)
Expected type: ST s ()
  Actual type: m0 ()
Relevant bindings include
  y :: Mutable v s r (bound at Testing/Foo.hs:30:3)
  f :: forall (v :: * -> * -> *).
       MVector v r =>
       v (PrimState m0) r -> m0 ()
    (bound at Testing/Foo.hs:29:19)
In a stmt of a 'do' block: f y
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
  ‘do { y <- thaw x;
        f y;
        unsafeFreeze y }’

Could not deduce (s ~ PrimState m0)
from the context (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r)
  bound by the type signature for
             tfb :: (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r) =>
                    (forall (m :: * -> *). PrimMonad m => TensorFunc m r) -> v r -> v r
  at Testing/Foo.hs:(26,8)-(28,15)
  ‘s’ is a rigid type variable bound by
      a type expected by the context: ST s (v r) at Testing/Foo.hs:29:26
Expected type: Mutable v (PrimState m0) r
  Actual type: Mutable v s r
Relevant bindings include
  y :: Mutable v s r (bound at Testing/Foo.hs:30:3)
  f :: forall (v :: * -> * -> *).
       MVector v r =>
       v (PrimState m0) r -> m0 ()
    (bound at Testing/Foo.hs:29:19)
In the first argument of ‘f’, namely ‘y’
In a stmt of a 'do' block: f y

我很确定排名2类型是可以归咎的,可能是由单态限制引起的。但是,正如我previous question中所建议的那样,我启用了-XNoMonomorphismRestriction,但却遇到了同样的错误。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)




GHC将Haskell编译成一种名为Core的小型中间语言,它本质上是一种名为System F的Rank-n多态类型lambda演算(加上一些扩展)。下面我将使用Haskell和一个有点像Core的符号;我希望它不会过于混乱。


-- in Haskell
const :: forall (a :: *) (b :: *). a -> b -> a
const x y = x

-- in pseudo-Core
const' :: (a :: *) -> (b :: *) -> a -> b -> a
const' a b x y = x 


-- Haskell
poly :: (forall a. a -> a) -> b -> (Int, b)
poly f x = (f 0, f x)

-- pseudo-Core
poly' :: (b :: *) -> ((a :: *) -> a -> a) -> b -> (Int, b)
poly' b f x = (f Int 0, f b x)


wrong :: (a -> a) -> (Int, Bool)
wrong f = (f 0, f True)

wrong' :: (a :: *) -> (a -> a) -> (Int, Bool)
wrong' a f = (f ?, f ?) -- f takes an "a", not Int or Bool. 


-- Haskell
show :: forall a. Show a => a -> String
show x = show x

-- pseudo-Core
show' :: (a :: *) -> Show a -> a -> String
show' a (ShowDict showa) x = showa x 

这里的ShowDictShow a是什么? ShowDict只是一个包含show实例的Haskell记录,GHC为每个类的实例生成这样的记录。 Show a只是此实例记录的类型:

-- We translate classes to a record type:
class Show a where show :: a -> string

data Show a = ShowDict (show :: a -> String)

-- And translate instances to concrete records of the class type:
instance Show () where show () = "()"

showUnit :: Show ()
showUnit = ShowDict (\() -> "()")


data Foo = Foo

-- instance Show Foo where show _ = "Foo"
showFoo :: Show Foo
showFoo = ShowDict (\_ -> "Foo")

-- The compiler fills in an instance from top level
fooStr :: String
fooStr = show' Foo showFoo Foo 

polyShow :: (Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> String
polyShow a b = show a ++ show b

-- Here we get the instances as arguments (also, note how (++) also takes an extra
-- type argument, since (++) :: forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a])
polyShow' :: (a :: *) -> (b :: *) -> Show a -> Show b -> a -> b -> String
polyShow' a b (ShowDict showa) (ShowDict showb) a b -> (++) Char (showa a) (showb b) 



import Data.Monoid

-- it's a type error even if we don't use "a" or "n".
-- foo :: (forall a. Monoid a => (a, Int)) -> Int
-- foo (a, n) = 0 

foo :: ((a :: *) -> Monoid a -> (a, Int)) -> Int
foo f = ? -- What are we going to apply f to?


{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}

foo :: (forall a. Monoid a => (a, Int)) -> Int
foo x = case (x :: (String, Int)) of (_, n) -> n

-- or alternatively
foo ((_ :: String), n) = n 


foo :: ((a :: *) -> Monoid a -> (a, Int)) -> Int
foo f = case f String monoidString of (_ , n) -> n 




  • 当我们构造函数时,隐式参数在函数体中可用。
  • 当我们申请职能时,我们有额外的义务来履行。
  • 当我们用隐式字段构建数据时,我们必须提供那些额外的字段。
  • 当我们模式匹配数据时,隐式字段也会进入范围。



data Showy where
    Showy :: forall a. Show a => a -> Showy

-- pseudo-Core
data Showy where
    Showy :: (a :: *) -> Show a -> a -> Showy

-- when constructing "Showy", "Show a" must be also available:
someShowy :: Showy
someShowy = Showy (300 :: Int)

-- in pseudo-Core
someShowy' = Showy Int showInt 300 

-- When pattern matching on "Showy", we get an instance in scope too
showShowy :: Showy -> String
showShowy (Showy x) = show x 

showShowy' :: Showy -> String
showShowy' (Showy a showa x) = showa x



runFun1 :: (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r) => 
  (forall m . (PrimMonad m) => DimFun (Mutable v) m r) -> v r -> v r
runFun1 dfun@(DimFun dim t) x | V.length x == dim = runST $ do
    y <- thaw x
    t y
    unsafeFreeze y


使用GHC 7.8.x,优先使用type holes是很好的做法:

runFun1 :: (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r) => 
  (forall m . (PrimMonad m) => DimFun (Mutable v) m r) -> v r -> v r
runFun1 (DimFun dim t) x | V.length x == dim = _

现在GHC将正确显示孔的类型,以及上下文中变量的类型。我们可以看到t的类型为Mutable v (PrimState m0) r -> m0 (),我们也看到m0未列在任何地方。事实上,这是一个臭名昭着的&#34;模棱两可的&#34;由GHC构成的类型变量作为占位符。

那么,为什么我们不尝试手动提供参数,就像前面的Monoid实例一样?我们知道我们会在t操作中使用ST,因此我们可以尝试将m修改为ST s,GHC会自动为我们应用PrimMonad个实例:

runFun1 :: forall v r. (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r) => 
  (forall m . (PrimMonad m) => DimFun (Mutable v) m r) -> v r -> v r
runFun1 (DimFun dim (t :: Mutable v s r -> ST s ())) x 
    | V.length x == dim = runST $ do 
        y <- thaw x
        t y
        unsafeFreeze y

...除非它不起作用,否则我们会收到错误"Couldn't match type ‘s’ with ‘s1’ because type variable ‘s1’ would escape its scope"

事实证明 - 毫不奇怪 - 我们已经忘记了另一个隐含的论点。回想一下runST

runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a

我们可以想象runST采用((s :: PrimState ST) -> ST s a)类型的函数,然后我们的代码如下所示:

runST $ \s -> do
    y <- thaw x   -- y :: Mutable v s r
    t y           -- error: "t" takes a "Mutable v s r" with a different "s". 
    unsafeFreeze y 


runFun1 :: forall v s r. ...

因此两个s - es是截然不同的。

一种可能的解决方案是在ST动作内的DimFun参数上进行模式匹配。在那里,正确的s在范围内,GHC可以ST s提供m

runFun1 :: forall v r. (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r) => 
    (forall m . PrimMonad m => DimFun (Mutable v) m r) -> v r -> v r
runFun1 dimfun x = runST $ do
    y <- thaw x
    case dimfun of
        DimFun dim t | dim == M.length y -> t y
    unsafeFreeze y


runST $ \s -> do
    y <- thaw x
    case dimfun (ST s) primMonadST of
         DimFun dim t | dim == M.length y -> t y
    unsafeFreeze y 


-- the full types of the functions involved, for reference
thaw :: forall m v a. (PrimMonad m, V.Vector v a) => v a -> m (V.Mutable v (PrimState m) a)
runST :: forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
unsafeFreeze :: forall m v a. (PrimMonad m, Vector v a) => Mutable v (PrimState m) a -> v a 
M.length :: forall v s a. MVector v s a -> Int
(==) :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool

runFun1 :: 
    (v :: * -> *) -> (r :: *) 
    -> Vector v r -> MVector (Mutable v) r
    -> ((m :: (* -> *)) -> PrimMonad m -> DimFun (Mutable v) m r)
    -> v r -> v r
runFun1 v r vecInstance mvecInstance dimfun x = runST r $ \s -> do
    y <- thaw (ST s) v r primMonadST vecInstance x
    case dimFun (ST s) primMonadST of
        DimFun dim t | (==) Int eqInt dim (M.length v s r y) -> t y
    unsafeFreeze (ST s) v r primMonadST vecInstance y



runFun2 :: (Vector v r, MVector (Mutable v) r) => 
  (forall m . (PrimMonad m) => DimFun (Mutable v) m r) -> v r -> v r
runFun2 t x = runST $ do
  y <- thaw x
  evalFun t y
  unsafeFreeze y

evalFun :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v r) => DimFun v m r -> v (PrimState m) r -> m ()
evalFun (DimFun dim f) y | dim == M.length y = f y

evalFun只是一个多态函数,可以在正确的位置调用(我们最终在正确的位置t上进行模式匹配),其中正确的ST s可用作{ {1}}论点。


答案 1 :(得分:4)

虽然@AndrasKovacs给出了一个很好的答案,但我认为值得指出如何完全避免这种肮脏。我This answer对相关问题展示了DimFun的“正确”定义如何使所有排名第2的内容消失。


data DimFun v r = 
  DimFun {dim::Int, func :: forall s . (PrimMonad s) => v (PrimState s) r -> s ()}


runFun1 :: (Vector v r)
        => DimFun (Mutable v) r -> v r -> v r
runFun1 (DimFun dim t) x | dim == V.length x = runST $ do
  y <- thaw x
  t y
  unsafeFreeze y


答案 2 :(得分:1)


也就是说,我不认为GHC可以统一匹配模式(DimFun dim t)的值类型(forall m . (PrimMonad m) => DimFun (Mutable v) m r)
