我在Controller类中使用beforeAction方法重定向以进行重定向。当我使用$ this->重定向方法重定向到登录页面时,它无效。
public function beforeAction($action)
if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest)
return true;
return true;
//something code right here if user valided
return true;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Yii::app()->user->returnUrl = Yii::app()->request->url;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
//取消注释以下内容以定义路径别名 // Yii :: setPathOfAlias(&#39; local&#39;,&#39; path / to / local-folder&#39;);
//这是主要的Web应用程序配置。任何可写的 //可以在此处配置CWebApplication属性。 返回数组( &#39;基本路径&#39; = GT;目录名(文件强>)DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR&#39;。。。。&#39 ;, &#39;名称&#39; = GT;&#39; EMS&#39 ;, //&#39; defaultController&#39; =&GT; &#39;用户/注册/登陆&#39;,
// preloading 'log' component
// autoloading model and component classes
// uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool
// If removed, Gii defaults to localhost only. Edit carefully to taste.
//default theme
// application components
// enable cookie-based authentication
'class' => 'WebUser',
'authManager' => array(
'class' => 'CDbAuthManager',
'connectionID' => 'db'
// uncomment the following to enable URLs in path-format
'connectionString' => 'sqlite:'.dirname(__FILE__).'/../data/testdrive.db',
// uncomment the following to use a MySQL database
'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yiiems',
'emulatePrepare' => true,
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'charset' => 'utf8',
// use 'site/error' action to display errors
'levels'=>'error, warning',
// uncomment the following to show log messages on web pages
// application-level parameters that can be accessed
// using Yii::app()->params['paramName']
// this is used in contact page
'behaviors' => array(
'onBeginRequest' => array(
'class' => 'application.components.RequireLogin'